Covid 19 Hoax Federal Investigation Into Scientific Fraud in Public Health Policies

Request for Expedited Federal Investigation Into Scientific Fraud in Public Health Policies
January 10, 2021
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Federal Bureau of Investigation
935 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20535
U.K. Security Service (MI5);
Australian Security Intelligence Organisation;
Canadian Security Intelligence Service;
U.S. Department of Justice
Request for Expedited Federal Investigation Into Scientific Fraud in Public Health Policies
We are writing this letter to request that a federal investigation be commenced and/or expedited
regarding the scientific debate on major policy decisions during the COVID-19 crisis. In the
course of our work, we have identified issues of a potentially criminal nature and believe this
investigation necessary to ensure the interests of the public have been properly represented by
those promoting certain pandemic policies.
During times of crisis, citizens naturally turn to the advice of those they perceive as experts. In
early 2020, the public turned to the advice of scientific authorities when confronted with an
apparent viral outbreak. Soon after, most nations followed the advice of prominent scientists and
implemented restrictions commonly referred to as ―lockdowns.‖ While the policies varied by
jurisdiction, in general they involved restrictions on gatherings and movements and the closure
of schools, businesses, and public places, inspired by those imposed by the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP) in Hubei Province. The intervention of federal authorities with police power may
be required to ensure that those who have promoted these lockdown policies have done so in
good faith.
This letter is meant to call the attention of federal authorities in Australia, Canada, Germany, the
United Kingdom, and the United States (the ―Nations‖) to multiple points of evidence about the
origin and historical precedent of lockdowns; the scientific literature and debate behind them; the
provenance and quality of predominant COVID-19 testing protocols and models; the
motivations, biases, and qualifications of certain prominent lockdown supporters; and the source
of public-facing communications surrounding these policies.
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1. Lockdowns Originated on the Order of Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the
Chinese Communist Party, and Were Propagated Into Global Policy by the World
Health Organization With Little Analysis or Logic
Lockdown proponents have frequently justified their policies by comparing them to actions taken
to combat the pandemic of Spanish influenza a century prior.1
But a realistic examination of the
mitigation efforts in response to Spanish influenza reveals that nothing remotely approximating
lockdowns was ever imposed. In the words of Judge William S. Stickman, ruling in Cnty. of
Butler v. Wolf,
citing the work of preeminent historians:
Although this nation [the United States] has faced many epidemics and pandemics and
state and local governments have employed a variety of interventions in response, there
have never previously been lockdowns of entire populations—much less for lengthy and
indefinite periods of time…3
While, unquestionably, states and local governments
restricted certain activities for a limited period of time to mitigate the Spanish Flu, there
is no record of any imposition of a population lockdown in response to that disease or any
other in our history.
Not only are lockdowns historically unprecedented in response to any previous epidemic or
pandemic in American history, but they are not so much as mentioned in recent guidance offered
by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (―CDC‖). Judge Stickman continues:
Indeed, even for a ‗Very High Severity‘ pandemic (defined as one comparable to the
Spanish Flu), the guidelines provide only that ‗CDC recommends voluntary home
isolation of ill persons,‘ and ‗CDC might recommend voluntary home quarantine of
exposed household members in areas where novel influenza circulates.‘ Id. at 32, Table
10 (emphasis added). This is a far, far cry from a statewide lockdown…4

E.g., Emily Badger and Quoctrung Bui, Cities That Went All In on Social Distancing in 1918 Emerged Stronger
for It, N.Y. Times, Apr. 3, 2020,
2 Civil Action No. 2:20-cv-677 (W.D. Pa. May. 28, 2020),
3 Citing Howard Markel et al., Nonpharmaceutical Interventions Implemented by US Cities During the 1918-1919
Influenza Pandemic, 298 JAMA 644, 647 (2007). The total duration of nonpharmaceutical interventions imposed by
state and local mandate for Philadelphia and Pittsburgh were 51 and 53 days, respectively. Id. at 647, Table 1. This
length was, generally, representative of the duration of interventions in most cities. Id. Seattle had the longest period
of restrictions, nationwide, at 168 days from start to finish. See also Greg Ip, New Thinking on Covid Lockdowns:
They’re Overly Blunt and Costly, WALL ST. J., Aug. 24, 2020 (―Prior to Covid-19, lockdowns weren’t part of the
standard epidemic tool kit, which was primarily designed with flu in mind. During the 1918-1919 flu pandemic,
some American cities closed schools, churches and theaters, banned large gatherings and funerals and restricted
store hours. But none imposed stay-at-home orders or closed all nonessential businesses. No such measures were
imposed during the 1957 flu pandemic, the next-deadliest one; even schools stayed open.‖).
4 Citing Noreen Quails et al., Community Mitigation Guidelines to Prevent Pandemic Influenza, United States, 2017
(Sonja A. Rasmussen et al. eds., 2017).
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The fact is that the lockdowns imposed across the United States in early 2020 in response
to the COVID-19 pandemic are unprecedented in the history of our Commonwealth and
our Country. They have never been used in response to any other disease in our history.
They were not recommendations made by the CDC. They were unheard of by the people
[of] this nation until just this year. It appears as though the imposition of lockdowns in
Wuhan and other areas of China—a nation unconstrained by concern for civil liberties
and constitutional norms—started a domino effect where one country, and state, after
another imposed draconian and hitherto untried measures on their citizens. (emphasis
Judge Stickman‘s intuition regarding the real history of lockdowns is in line with the opinion of
the foremost infectious disease scholars. Donald Henderson, the man widely credited with
eradicating smallpox, wrote in 2006, ―Experience has shown that communities faced with
epidemics or other adverse events respond best and with the least anxiety when the normal social
functioning of the community is least disrupted.‖5
To our knowledge, no scientist ever publicly
supported imposing lockdowns until Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP), personally authorized the ―unprecedented lockdown of Wuhan and other cities
beginning on Jan. 23.‖6
General Secretary Xi is perhaps best known for the punishment of over one million CCP officials
for ―corruption,‖7
the elimination of term limits from China‘s constitution,8
and, of course, the
reeducation and ―quarantine‖
of over one million Uyghur Muslims and other minorities
―infected with extremism‖
10 throughout the regions of Xinjiang and Tibet, pursuant to the CCP‘s
pet hybrid of public health and security policy: fangkong—the same policy that inspired Xi‘s
lockdown of Hubei province.11
General Secretary Xi later affirmed that he had issued these

Thomas V. Inglesby, Jennifer B. Nuzzo, Tara O‘toole, and D. A. Henderson, Disease Mitigation Measures in the
Control of Pandemic Influenza, Biosecurity and Bioterrorism: Biodefense Strategy, Practice, and Science Vol. 4 No.
4, 2006,
6 Amy Qin, China‘s Leader, Under Fire, Says He Led Coronavirus Fight Early On, N.Y. Times, Feb. 15, 2020,
7 Choi Chi-yuk, Xi Jinping‘s anti-graft drive has caught so many officials that Beijing‘s elite prison is running out of
cells, Feb. 14, 2018, South China Morning Post,
Tom Phillips, ‘Dictator for life’: Xi Jinping’s power grab condemned as step towards tyranny, Feb. 26, 2018, The
9 Austin Ramzy and Chris Buckley, ‗Absolutely No Mercy‘: Leaked Files Expose How China Organized Mass
Detentions of Muslims, N.Y. Times, Nov. 16, 2019,
10 Tanner Greer, China‘s Plans to Win Control of the Global Order, Tablet Magazine, May 17, 2020,
11 Sheena Chestnut Greitens and Julian Gewirtz, China‘s Troubling Vision for the Future of Public Health, Foreign
Affairs, Jul. 10, 2020,
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instructions to the CCP‘s Politburo Standing Committee on January 7, 2020,12 but his
instructions have never been revealed. Chinese business leader Ren Zhiqiang was sentenced to
18 years in prison13 for an open letter in which he requested Xi‘s instructions be made public.14
When the lockdown of Hubei province began, the World Health Organization (WHO)‘s
representative in China noted that ―trying to contain a city of 11 million people is new to
science… The lockdown of 11 million people is unprecedented in public health history…‖15

Human rights observers also expressed concerns.16
But those concerns didn‘t stop the WHO
from effusively praising the CCP‘s ―unprecedented‖ response just days after the lockdown
began, and long before it had produced any results: ―The measures China has taken are good not
only for that country but also for the rest of the world.‖17
WHO Director Tedros Adhanom
added that he was personally ―very impressed and encouraged by the president [Xi Jinping]‘s
detailed knowledge of the outbreak‖ and the next day praised China for ―setting a new standard
for outbreak response.‖18
By February 2020, the CCP had begun reporting an exponential decline in COVID-19 cases. In
its February report, the WHO waxed rhapsodic about China‘s triumph:
General Secretary Xi Jinping personally directed and deployed the prevention and control
work … China‘s uncompromising and rigorous use of non-pharmaceutical measures to
contain transmission of the COVID-19 virus in multiple settings provides vital lessons for
the global response‖19 (emphasis added).

12 Amy Qin, China‘s Leader, Under Fire, Says He Led Coronavirus Fight Early On, N.Y. Times, Feb. 15, 2020,
13 Chris Buckley, China‘s ‗Big Cannon‘ Blasted Xi. Now He‘s Been Jailed for 18 Years, N.Y. Times, Sep. 22, 2020,
14 Josh Rudolph, Translation: Essay by Missing Property Tycoon Ren Zhiqiang, China Digital Times, Mar. 13,
15 Sinéad Baker, China extended its Wuhan coronavirus quarantine to 2 more cities, cutting off 19 million people in
an unprecedented effort to stop the outbreak, Business Insider, Jan. 23, 2020,
16 E.g., Frances Eve, China’s reaction to the coronavirus outbreak violates human rights, The Guardian, Feb. 2,
2020,; Michael Levenson, Scale of China‘s Wuhan Shutdown Is Believed to Be Without Precedent, N.Y.
Times, Jan. 22, 2020,
17 World Health Organization, Statement on the second meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005)
Emergency Committee regarding the outbreak of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), Jan. 30, 2020,
18 World Health Organization, WHO Director-General’s statement on IHR Emergency Committee on Novel
Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), Jan. 30, 2020,
19 World Health Organization, Report of the WHO-China Joint Mission on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19),
Feb. 16–24, 2020,
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Shortly thereafter, the WHO held a press conference during which Assistant Director-General
Bruce Aylward—who later disconnected a live interview when asked to acknowledge
Taiwan20—told the press: ―What China has demonstrated is, you have to do this. If you do it, you
can save lives and prevent thousands of cases of what is a very difficult disease.‖21 (emphasis
added). Two days later, in an interview for China Central Television (CCTV), Aylward put it
bluntly: ―Copy China‘s response to COVID-19.‖22 (emphasis added).
The WHO‘s recommendations are notable for two reasons. First, the WHO‘s conclusion in its
February report that this ―rather unique and unprecedented public health response in China
reversed the escalating cases‖23
exemplifies the fallacy of post hoc, ergo propter hoc. While it
was possible that a more ―flat‖ curve in Wuhan could be attributed to the CCP‘s lockdown, it
was at least equally likely that Wuhan had simply witnessed the natural course of this ―novel‖
pathogen. It should have been obvious that the mere issuance of a policy ―unprecedented in
public health history‖ did not automatically mean it was effective—especially given the WHO‘s
own 2019 guidance for pandemic influenza did not advise border closures, mass contact tracing,
or quarantine even of ―exposed individuals‖ under any circumstance.24
Furthermore, the WHO did not even consider other countries‘ economic circumstances,
demographics, or even their number of COVID-19 cases—which were very few in most of the

20 Tom Grundy, Video: Top WHO doctor Bruce Aylward ends video call after journalist asks about Taiwan‘s status,
Hong Kong Free Press, Mar. 29, 2020, In April, Canada‘s parliament summoned Aylward
for questioning, but the WHO has forbidden him from testifying. Steven Chase, MPs vote to summon key WHO
adviser after global body refuses to let him testify, The Globe and Mail, Apr. 30, 2020,; True North, WHO forbids Canadian official from testifying before health committee, Aug. 19, 2020,
21 World Health Organization, Subject: Press Conference of WHO-China Joint Mission on COVID-19, Feb. 24,
22 Daniel Harries, ‗Copy China’s response to COVID-19,‘ WHO expert urges rest of the world, CGTN, Feb. 26,
23 World Health Organization, Report of the WHO-China Joint Mission on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19),
Feb. 16–24, 2020,
24 World Health Organization, Non-pharmaceutical public health measures for mitigating the risk and impact of
epidemic and pandemic influenza, 2019,
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world—before instructing the entire world that ―you have to do this.‖25
This conclusion by the
world‘s foremost public health body was, at best, criminally negligent.26
Lockdowns are a Xi Jinping policy, and the significance of that fact cannot be overstated. The
idea of locking down an entire state or country and forcibly shutting down its businesses and
public places was never entertained, never discussed, and never implemented in any pandemic
literature until it was done by General Secretary Xi in January 2020. Lockdowns were never
tried before 2020 and never tested before 2020, even on a theoretical basis.27
The idea of
―lockdown‖ was brought into human history on the order of General Secretary Xi; it otherwise
never would have entered the collective human imagination. Anytime anyone endorses a
lockdown for any length of time, even a few minutes, they are endorsing a Xi Jinping policy.
The remainder of this letter concerns how lockdowns were laundered into the world‘s go-to
pandemic policy.
2. The Most Influential Institution for Covid-19 Models, Self-Described as “China’s
Best Academic Partner in the West,” Has Been by Far the Most Alarmist and
Inaccurate Covid-19 Modeler
In February 2020, a team from Imperial College London led by physicist Neil Ferguson ran a
computer model that played an outsized role in justifying lockdowns in most countries. Imperial
College forecast a number of potential outcomes, including that, by October 2020, more than
500,000 people in Great Britain and 2.2 million people in the U.S. would die as a result of
COVID-19, and recommended months of strict social distancing measures to prevent this
The model also predicted the United States could incur up to one million deaths even
with ―enhanced social distancing‖ guidelines, including ―shielding the elderly.‖29
In reality, by
the end of October, according to the CDC and the United Kingdom National Health Service
(NHS), approximately 230,000 deaths30 in the United States and 37,000 deaths31 in the United

25 World Health Organization, Subject: Press Conference of WHO-China Joint Mission on COVID-19, Feb. 24,
26 Stacey Rudin, What‘s Behind The WHO‘s Lockdown Mixed-Messaging, American Institute for Economic
Research, Oct. 14, 2020,
27 Noreen Quails et al., Community Mitigation Guidelines to Prevent Pandemic Influenza, United States, 2017
(Sonja A. Rasmussen et al. eds., 2017),
28 Neil M Ferguson et al., Report 9: Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to
reduce COVID-19 mortality and healthcare demand, Imperial College COVID-19 Response Team, Mar. 16, 2020,
29 Neil M Ferguson et al., Report 12: The Global Impact of COVID-19 and Strategies for Mitigation and
Suppression, Imperial College COVID-19 Response Team, Mar. 16, 2020,
30 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID19),
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Kingdom had been attributed to COVID-19 (though deaths from all other leading causes—
including heart disease, cancer, and influenza—mysteriously declined,32 indicating that even
these low counts from the CDC and NHS are vastly overstated).
A study by researchers at UCLA and the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME)
compared the accuracy of various institutions‘ models predicting COVID-19 mortality.33
all time periods, the models produced by Imperial College were measured to have far higher
rates of error than the others—always erring on the side of being too high:
The 12-week median absolute percent errors (MAPE), reflecting models produced in July
and August, ranged from 22.4% for the SIK-J Alpha model, to 79.9% for the Imperial
model… The Delphi and LANL models from July underestimated mortality, with median
percent errors of -5.6% and -8.3% at 6 weeks respectively, while Imperial tended to
overestimate (+47.7%), and the remaining models were relatively unbiased… The
Imperial model had larger errors, about 5-fold higher than other models by six weeks.
This appears to be largely driven by the aforementioned tendency to overestimate
mortality. At twelve weeks, MAPE values were lowest for the IHME-MS-SEIR (23.7%)
model, while the Imperial model had the most elevated MAPE (98.8%)… In the most
current models, the 6-week MAPE across models was 7.2%.
Imperial‘s inaccuracy continued unabated. In October 2020, Imperial College‘s model predicted
the U.K. would experience 2,000 deaths per day by mid-December.34
In fact, deaths per day in
the U.K. never reached 400, per NHS.35
Five years earlier, on October 21, 2015, General Secretary Xi personally visited Imperial College
London for the announcement of ―a series of new UK-China education and research
collaborations‖ including ―nanotechnology, bioengineering… and public health.‖36
This was the
only trip Xi ever made to the U.K. as General Secretary; the trip lasted just four days and

31 National Health Service, COVID-19 Daily Deaths,
32 Yanni Gu, A closer look at U.S. deaths due to COVID-19, Johns Hopkins News-Letter, Nov. 22, 2020,
33 Joseph Friedman et al., Predictive performance of international COVID-19 mortality forecasting models, Nov.
19, 2020,
34 Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies, SPI-M-O: Long term winter scenarios preparatory working
analysis, Oct. 31, 2020,
35 National Health Service, COVID-19 Daily Deaths,
36 Andrew Scheuber, Chinese President sees UK-China academic partnerships at Imperial, Imperial College
London, Oct. 21, 2015,
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involved just one university: Imperial College London.37
In a speech welcoming General
Secretary Xi and his wife, Peng Liyuan, a goodwill ambassador to the WHO, Imperial College
President Alice Gast addressed the Chancellor of the Exchequer:
Chancellor, you have said that you aim to make the U.K. ‗China‘s best partner in the
west.‘ Imperial College London strives to be just that, China‘s best academic partner in
the west… As China‘s top research partner in the U.K., Imperial‘s academics and
students benefit from collaboration on a daily basis.38 (emphasis added)
In 2019, Gast became part of the notably pro-China39 World Economic Forum‘s AI Council
along with Chinese AI Expert and venture capitalist Kai-Fu Lee, and to this day, Imperial
College continues to advertise itself as ―UK‘s number one university collaborator with Chinese
research institutions.‖40
In March 2020, Imperial College produced a report titled ―Evidence of initial success for China
exiting COVID-19 social distancing policy after achieving containment,‖ concluding:
For the first time since the outbreak began there have been no new confirmed cases
caused by local transmission in China reported for five consecutive days up to 23 March
2020. This is an indication that the social distancing measures enacted in China have led
to control of COVID-19 in China… after very intense social distancing which resulted in
containment, China has successfully exited their stringent social distancing policy to
some degree.41

Imperial College had no way of knowing if this was, in fact, true—failing to discover cases does
not mean they do not exist, particularly with a virus that is fatal to hardly anyone except the most
vulnerable, and a regime with a long history of fraud—and its conclusion directly contradicted

37 Wikipedia, 2015 Xi Jinping visit to the United Kingdom,
38 Andrew Scheuber, Chinese President sees UK-China academic partnerships at Imperial, Imperial College
London, Oct. 21, 2015,
39 Peter S. Goodman, In Era of Trump, China‘s President Champions Economic Globalization, N.Y. Times, Jan. 17,
2017,; see also Aya Vel zquez, China Und Der Great Reset, Demokratischer Widerstand, Nov. 27,
40 David Lee, World Economic Forum Establishes ―A.I. Council‖ Co-chaired by Chinese AI Expert Kai-Fu Lee,
Pandaily, Jan. 24, 2019,;
Imperial College London, China and Imperial,
41 Neil M Ferguson and Steven Riley et al., Report 11 – Evidence of initial success for China exiting COVID-19
social distancing policy after achieving containment, Imperial College COVID-19 Response Team, Mar. 24, 2020,
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that of the U.S. intelligence community around the same time that China had intentionally
misrepresented its coronavirus numbers.42
In a December interview, Neil Ferguson recalled how
China had inspired his lockdown recommendations to the U.K.‘s Scientific Advisory Group for
Emergencies (SAGE):
I think people‘s sense of what is possible in terms of control changed quite dramatically
between January and March… It‘s a communist one party state, we said. We couldn‘t get
away with it in Europe, we thought… And then Italy did it. And we realised we could…
If China had not done it, the year would have been very different.43
In a time of panic, it‘s natural for the public to focus on the worst possible outcomes. Thus, a
prestigious institution producing particularly alarmist models can have an outsized impact on
political discourse. In this case, the institution in question not only consistently and egregiously
erred in just one direction—the ―tendency to overestimate mortality‖—but also had a special
relationship with China as its ―best academic partner in the west.‖
3. Deadly Recommendations for Early Mechanical Ventilation Came from China
In early March 2020, the WHO released COVID-19 provider guidance documents to healthcare
The guidance recommended escalating quickly to mechanical ventilation as an early
intervention for treating COVID-19 patients, a departure from past experience during
respiratory-virus epidemics.45
In doing so, they cited the guidance being presented by Chinese
journal articles, which published papers in January and February claiming that ―Chinese expert
consensus‖ called for ―invasive mechanical ventilation‖ as the ―first choice‖ for people with
moderate to severe respiratory distress,
46 in part to protect medical staff. As the Wall Street
Journal later reported:
Last spring, doctors put patients on ventilators partly to limit contagion at a time when it
was less clear how the virus spread, when protective masks and gowns were in short
supply. Doctors could have employed other kinds of breathing support devices that don‘t

42 Sonam Sheth and Isaac Scher, The US intelligence community has reportedly concluded that China intentionally
misrepresented its coronavirus numbers, Business Insider, Apr. 1, 2020,
43 Tom Whipple, Professor Neil Ferguson: People don‘t agree with lockdown and try to undermine the scientists,
The Times of London, Dec. 25, 2020,
44 World Health Organization, Clinical management of severe acute respiratory infection
(SARI) when COVID-19 disease is suspected, Mar. 13, 2020,
45 Philippe Rola et al., Rethinking the early intubation paradigm of COVID-19: time to change gears?, Clin Exp
Emerg Med Vol. 7(2), Jun. 10, 2020,
46 Fujun Peng et al., Management and Treatment of COVID-19: The Chinese Experience, Can J Cardiol Vol. 36(6),
Apt. 17, 2020,
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require risky sedation, but early reports suggested patients using them could spray
dangerous amounts of virus into the air, said Theodore Iwashyna, a critical-care physician
at University of Michigan and Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals in Ann Arbor,
At the time, he said, doctors and nurses feared the virus would spread through hospitals.
―We were intubating sick patients very early. Not for the patients‘ benefit, but in order to
control the epidemic and to save other patients,‖ Dr. Iwashyna said ―That felt awful.‖47
(emphasis added)
In New York and other cities, early and often ventilator use became a common theme, and it had
devastating consequences for patients.48
On March 31, 2020, Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell, who had
been caring for ICU patients at one of the hardest-hit hospitals in New York City, acted as an
early whistleblower, sounding the alarm about the ventilator issue in a widely-shared video:
We are operating under a medical paradigm that is untrue… I fear that this misguided
treatment will lead to a tremendous amount of harm to a great number of people in a very
short time… I don‘t know the final answer to this disease, but I‘m quite sure that a
ventilator is not it… This method being widely adopted at this very moment at every
hospital in the country … is actually doing more harm than good.49
An April Reuters interview with dozens of medical specialists made it clear that mechanical
ventilator overuse had become a global issue: ―Many highlighted the risks from using the most
invasive types of them – mechanical ventilators – too early or too frequently, or from nonspecialists using them without proper training in overwhelmed hospitals.‖50
By May 2020, it was common knowledge in the medical community that early ventilator use was
hurting, not helping, COVID-19 patients, and that less invasive measures were in fact very
effective in assisting recoveries.51
A New York City study found a 97.2% mortality rate among

47 Melanie Evans, Hospitals Retreat From Early Covid Treatment and Return to Basics, Wall Street Journal, Dec.
20, 2020,
48 Jordan Schachtel, ‗First Choice‘: How China and the WHO created mass ventilator hysteria, Sep. 30, 2020,
49 Cameron Kyle-Sidell, From NYC ICU: Does Covid-19 Really Cause ARDS??!!, YouTube, Mar. 31, 2020,
50 Silvia Aloisi et al., Special Report: As virus advances, doctors rethink rush to ventilate, Reuters, Apr. 23, 2020,
51 Sharon Begley, With ventilators running out, doctors say the machines are overused for Covid-19, Stat, Apr. 8,
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those over age 65 who received mechanical ventilation.52
The ―early action‖ ventilator guidance
that the WHO distributed to the world killed thousands of innocent patients; the WHO obtained
that guidance from China.
4. The World’s Predominant, Wildly-Inaccurate PCR Testing Protocols Are Based on
Incomplete, Theoretical Genome Sequences Supplied by China
Virologists Victor Corman and Christian Drosten led the exceptionally-rapid creation of the first
COVID-19 PCR test (the ―Corman-Drosten Protocol‖);53 it is now the most commonly-used
testing protocol in the world for detecting the SARS-CoV-2 virus which may, in certain cases,
lead to the disease COVID-19. (As discussed infra, the Court of Appeal of Lisbon concluded
that this PCR test was producing as many as 97% false positives). Corman and Drosten were
provided with the in silico (theoretical) genome sequences used to create their PCR protocol by
Chinese scientists including Yong-Zhen Zhang and Shi Zhengli, Director at the Wuhan Institute
of Virology.54
(These genome sequences were then posted to the open-source depository on January 10, 2020). The Corman-Drosten Protocol was submitted to the WHO
on January 13,55 eight days prior to the date it was submitted to the medical journal
Eurosurveillance for ―peer review.‖56
The WHO released the Corman-Drosten Protocol on January 21, the same day it was submitted
to Eurosurveillance.57
Drosten sits on the board of Eurosurveillance, a conflict of interest.58
Corman-Drosten Protocol was accepted59 by Eurosurveillance the very next day, January 22 (the
same day the WHO confirmed human-to-human transmission),60 an extraordinarily quick

52 Safiya Richardson, MD, MPH, et al., Presenting Characteristics, Comorbidities, and Outcomes Among 5700
Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19 in the New York City Area, JAMA 2020 323(20), Apr. 22, 2020,
53 Victor Corman and Christian Drosten et al., Diagnostic detection of 2019-nCoV by real-time RT-PCR, World
Health Organization, Jan. 17, 2020,
54 Victor Corman and Christian Drosten et al., Diagnostic detection of 2019-nCoV by real-time RT-PCR,
Eurosurveillance European Communicable Disease Bulletin Vol. 25(3), Jan. 23, 2020,
55 Victor Corman and Christian Drosten et al., Diagnostic detection of 2019-nCoV by real-time RT-PCR, World
Health Organization, Jan. 13, 2020,
56 Victor Corman and Christian Drosten et al., Diagnostic detection of 2019-nCoV by real-time RT-PCR,
Eurosurveillance European Communicable Disease Bulletin Vol. 25(3), Jan. 23, 2020,
57 Victor Corman and Christian Drosten et al., Diagnostic detection of 2019-nCoV by real-time RT-PCR, World
Health Organization, Jan. 17, 2020,
58 Eurosurveillane, Editorial Board,
59 Victor Corman and Christian Drosten et al., Diagnostic detection of 2019-nCoV by real-time RT-PCR,
Eurosurveillance European Communicable Disease Bulletin Vol. 25(3), Jan. 23, 2020,
60 World Health Organization, Archived: WHO Timeline – COVID-19, Apr. 27, 2020,—covid-19.
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turnaround; peer review for scientific journals is an intensive process requiring identification of,
and action by, external reviewers, which typically takes weeks to months. Of all 1,595
publications at Eurosurveillance since 2015, not one other research paper was reviewed and
accepted in fewer than 20 days.61
Eurosurveillance‘s peer review process also requires an author
declaration that no conflicts of interest exist, which was, in this case, a false statement.62
extraordinarily quick turnaround made it impossible for any other PCR protocol to be published
before the Corman-Drosten Protocol, which was published on PubMed on January 23,63 giving it
a valuable ―first-mover‖ advantage ensuring that it became the predominant PCR protocol in the
The molecular biologist Pieter Borger and his team submitted a retraction request for the
Corman-Drosten PCR protocol.64
According to Borger‘s report, the Corman-Drosten PCR test
workflow contains multiple, fatal errors. The most glaring issue is the fact that, at the time the
protocol was submitted, there was no good reason to believe widespread PCR testing would even
be necessary:
The authors introduce the background for their scientific work as: ―The ongoing outbreak
of the recently emerged novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) poses a challenge for public
health laboratories as virus isolates are unavailable while there is growing evidence that
the outbreak is more widespread than initially thought, and international spread through
travelers does already occur.
According to BBC News65 and Google Statistics66 there were 6 deaths world-wide on
January 21st 2020 – the day when the manuscript was submitted. Why did the authors
assume a challenge for public health laboratories while there was no substantial
evidence at that time to indicate that the outbreak was more widespread than initially
thought? (emphasis added)
Borger‘s report goes on to specify ten major flaws with the Corman-Drosten protocol, the
biggest issue being the fact that the entire test is based on in silico (theoretical) sequences
supplied by China:

61 @waukema, Twitter, Nov. 30, 2020,
62 Eurosurveillane, Evaluation and review process,
63 Victor Corman and Christian Drosten et al., Diagnostic detection of 2019-nCoV by real-time RT-PCR,
Eurosurveillance European Communicable Disease Bulletin Vol. 25(3), Jan. 23, 2020,
64 Pieter Borger et al., External peer review of the RTPCR test to detect SARS-CoV-2 reveals 10 major scientific
flaws at the molecular and methodological level: consequences for false positive results, Nov. 27, 2020,
65 Citing New China virus: Warning against cover-up as number of cases jumps, BBC, Jan. 21, 2020,
66 Citing Google Analytics – COVID19-deaths worldwide,
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The first and major issue is that the novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (in the publication
named 2019-nCoV and in February 2020 named SARS-CoV-2 by an international
consortium of virus experts) is based on in silico sequences, supplied by a laboratory in
China,67 because at the time neither control material of infectious (―live‖) or inactivated
SARS-CoV-2 nor isolated genomic RNA of the virus was available to the authors. To
date no validation has been performed by the authorship based on isolated SARS-CoV-2
viruses or full length RNA thereof.
In addition, the primers and probes in Drosten‘s protocol are incomplete and non-specific; the
primer concentrations are four to five times too high; the GC content (connection strength) is far
too low; the annealing temperature difference in primer pairs is up to five times too high; the
PCR products have not been validated at the molecular level, rendering the test useless as a
specific diagnostic tool to identify SARS-CoV-2; and—given the protocol was accepted for
publication just one day after it was submitted to Eurosurveillance—it was obviously never
subjected to any meaningful peer review.
Corman and Drosten‘s PCR protocol thus has every indication of being fraudulent.
In June, a peer-reviewed study was published comparing the accuracy of the COVID-19 PCR
test protocols on the short list recommended by the WHO. The PCR protocol developed by the
CDC (the N2 US CDC protocol)68—likewise based on in silico genome sequences supplied by
China—fared little better than the Corman-Drosten protocol:
The E Charité [Corman-Drosten] and N2 US CDC assays were positive for all specimens,
including negative samples and negative controls (water).69
Together, these two PCR protocols account for the majority of COVID-19 PCR tests conducted
in the Nations.70
Both rely on in silico sequences from China, and both produce wildly
inaccurate results, testing positive for all specimens including negative samples and plain water.

67 Citing Victor Corman and Christian Drosten et al., Diagnostic detection of 2019-nCoV by real-time RT-PCR,
Eurosurveillance European Communicable Disease Bulletin Vol. 25(3), Jan. 23, 2020,
68 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Division of Viral Diseases, CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-
nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, Feb. 4, 2020,
69 Sibyle Etievant et al., Performance Assessment of SARS-CoV-2 PCR Assays Developed by WHO Referral
Laboratories. J Clin Med Vol. 9(6), Jun. 16, 2020,
70 World Health Organization, Summary table of available protocols in this document,
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5. Predominant, Excessive PCR Testing Protocols Came from China
In accordance with recommendations by the WHO and other public health authorities, countless
laboratories have engaged in mass PCR testing for the SARS-CoV-2 virus.71
Fundamental to
PCR testing is the concept of ―cycle thresholds.‖ The PCR test amplifies genetic matter from a
virus in cycles; the fewer cycles required, the greater the amount of virus, or viral load, in the
sample. The greater the viral load, the more likely the patient is to be contagious. Thus, the
higher the PCR cycle threshold, the lower the amount of viral load needed to trigger a positive
PCR test.
If the PCR cycle threshold indicating a ―positive‖ is set too high, a positive result may not even
indicate any meaningful amount of live viral particles. As Dr. Anthony Fauci mentioned in a
July 2020 interview, a cycle threshold of 35 or more should not be considered a positive result:
What is now sort of evolving into a bit of a standard … if you get a cycle threshold of 35
or more … the chances of it being replication-confident are minuscule… So, I think if
somebody does come in with 37, 38, even 36, you got to say, you know, it’s just dead
nucleotides, period.72 (emphasis added)
The WHO published its currently-outstanding guidance on laboratory testing for COVID-19 on
March 19, 2020.73
The WHO‘s guidance contained only three studies discussing PCR cycle
thresholds. All three studies74 are from China and use cycle thresholds from 37 to 40: ―A cycle
threshold value (Ct-value) less than 37 was defined as a positive test, and a Ct-value of 40 or
more was defined as a negative test.‖75
As described by the New York Times, most laboratories and manufacturers in the United States
now set their cutoff for a positive PCR test from 37 to 40 cycle thresholds: ―Most tests set the
limit at 40, a few at 37. This means that you are positive for the coronavirus if the test process

71 World Health Organization, Laboratory testing for coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in suspected human cases,
Mar. 19, 2020,
72 Daniel Payne, In little noticed July interview, Fauci warned that widely used COVID tests may pick up ‘dead’
virus, Just the News, Dec. 10, 2020,
73 World Health Organization, Laboratory testing for coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in suspected human cases,
Mar. 19, 2020,
74 Qun Li et al., Early Transmission Dynamics in Wuhan, China, of Novel Coronavirus-Infected Pneumonia, N Engl
J Med Vol. 382(13), Jan. 29, 2020,; Clinical
Characteristics of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in China, N Engl J Med Vol. 382, Feb. 28, 2020,; Wei Zhang et al., Molecular and serological investigation of
2019-nCoV infected patients: implication of multiple shedding routes, Emerg Microbes Infect Vol. 9(1), Feb. 17,
75 Qun Li et al., Early Transmission Dynamics in Wuhan, China, of Novel Coronavirus-Infected Pneumonia, N Engl
J Med Vol. 382(13), Jan. 29, 2020,
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required up to 40 cycles, or 37, to detect the virus.‖76
At 37 cycles, any viral RNA or DNA will
have been amplified over 68 billion times, and at 40 cycles it will have been amplified over 500
billion times.
Doctors interviewed by the New York Times agreed with Dr. Fauci that anything above 35 cycle
thresholds is too sensitive. ―A more reasonable cutoff would be 30 to 35,‖ said Juliet Morrison,
virologist at UC Riverside. Dr. Michael Mina, epidemiologist at the Harvard T.H. Chan School
of Public Health, said he would set the figure at 30, or even less. Using current testing standards
with 37 to 40 cycle thresholds:
In three sets of testing data that include cycle thresholds, compiled by officials in
Massachusetts, New York and Nevada, up to 90 percent of people testing positive carried
barely any virus, a review by The Times found… In Massachusetts, from 85 to 90
percent of people who tested positive in July with a cycle threshold of 40 would have
been deemed negative if the threshold were 30 cycles, Dr. Mina said. ‗I would say that
none of those people should be contact-traced, not one,‘ he said.77 (emphasis added).
In a recent ruling, the Court of Appeal of Lisbon concluded: ―In view of current scientific
evidence, this test shows itself to be unable to determine beyond reasonable doubt that such
positivity corresponds, in fact, to the infection of a person by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.‖78
two most important reasons for this, said the judges, are that, ―the test‘s reliability depends on
the number of cycles used‘‘ and that ―the test‘s reliability depends on the viral load present.‖79
The court cited a study conducted by ―some of the leading European and world specialists,‖
showing that if someone tested positive for COVID-19 at a cycle threshold of 35 or higher, the
chance of that person actually being infected is less than 3%, and that ―the probability of…
receiving a false positive is 97% or higher.‖80
To summarize, based on guidance issued by the WHO citing three studies from China,
laboratories and manufacturers across the United States and many other countries are using a
PCR cycle threshold of 37 to 40 for COVID-19 PCR tests that were created using in silico

76 Apoorva Mandavilli, Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn‘t Be., N.Y. Times, Aug. 29, 2020,
77 Id.
78 Natasha Donn, Judges in Portugal highlight ―more than debatable‖ reliability of Covid tests, Portugal Resident,
Nov. 20, 2020,
79 Court of Appeal of Lisbon, judgment of 11-11-2020 in Proceedings No. 1783/20.7T8PDL.L1-3,
80 Id.
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genome sequences supplied by a laboratory in China, pursuant to which positive COVID-19 case
counts have been inflated as much as ten- to thirty-fold.81
6. Studies Showing Significant Asymptomatic Transmission, the Only Scientific Basis
for Lockdowns of Healthy Individuals, Came from China
Underpinning the policy of ―lockdown‖ is the scientific concept of ―asymptomatic spread.‖
According to the WHO, ―Early data from China suggested that people without symptoms could
infect others.‖82 This idea of asymptomatic spread was reflected in the WHO‘s February report.

According to this concept, healthy individuals, or ―silent spreaders‖ might be responsible for a
significant number of SARS-CoV-2 transmissions.84
The idea of setting out to stop
asymptomatic spread was a significant departure from prevailing public health guidance and
experience during prior respiratory-virus pandemics.85
The concept of significant asymptomatic spread was believed to be a novel and unique feature of
SARS-CoV-2 based on several studies performed in China.86
Multiple studies from other
countries could not find any transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from asymptomatic individuals.87
A paper from McGill University concluded that ―transmission in the asymptomatic period was
documented in numerous studies,‖ but every one of those studies was conducted in China; where

81 Id.
82 World Health Organization, Transmission of SARS-CoV-2: implications for infection prevention precautions, Jul.
9, 2020,
83 World Health Organization, Report of the WHO-China Joint Mission on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19),
Feb. 16–24, 2020,
84 Pien Huang, What We Know About The Silent Spreaders Of COVID-19, NPR, Apr. 13, 2020,
85 Noreen Quails et al., Community Mitigation Guidelines to Prevent Pandemic Influenza, United States, 2017
(Sonja A. Rasmussen et al. eds., 2017),
86 World Health Organization, Transmission of SARS-CoV-2: implications for infection prevention precautions, Jul.
9, 2020,; Lei Luo et al., Modes of contact and risk of transmission in COVID-19 among
close contacts, Mar. 26, 2020,; Lei Huang et al., Rapid asymptomatic
transmission of COVID-19 during the incubation period demonstrating strong infectivity in a cluster of youngsters
aged 16-23 years outside Wuhan and characteristics of young patients with COVID-19: A prospective contacttracing study, J Infect Vol. 80(6), Apr. 10, 2020,; Quan-Xin Long et al.,
Clinical and immunological assessment of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections, Nat Med Vol. 26, Jun. 18, 2020,
87 Hao-Yuan Cheng, MD, MSc et al., Contact Tracing Assessment of COVID-19 Transmission Dynamics in Taiwan
and Risk at Different Exposure Periods Before and After Symptom Onset, JAMA Intern Med Vol. 180(9), May 1,
2020,; Shin Young Park et al., Coronavirus Disease
Outbreak in Call Center, South Korea, Emerg Infect Dis Vol. 26(8), Apr. 23, 2020,
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studies outside of China have tried to replicate these findings, they have failed.88
An Italian
study concluded that two asymptomatic individuals who tested positive had been infected by two
other asymptomatic individuals, but this was based on 2,800 PCR tests; given the false-positive
rate discussed above, the conclusion is dubious.89
An influential study from Brunei Darussalam
found significant asymptomatic spread,90 but its findings are considerably weakened by a poor
case definition; its two findings of asymptomatic spread were that of a young girl with no
symptoms who allegedly spread SARS-CoV-2 to her teacher who had ―a mild cough on one
day,‖ and a father who remained asymptomatic but whose wife briefly had a runny nose and
whose baby also had a mild cough one day.91
A German study co-authored by Christian Drosten claimed to have found ―Transmission of
2019-nCoV Infection from an Asymptomatic Contact in Germany,‖92 but the researchers didn‘t
actually speak to the woman before they published the paper, and officials later confirmed that
she did, in fact, have symptoms while in Germany.93
Absent this concept of significant asymptomatic spread, there is no scientific case for locking
down healthy persons. This concept of significant asymptomatic transmission of SARS-CoV-2,
and the studies backing it, came from China.
7. The CCP Engaged in an Early, Broad, Systematic, and Global Propaganda
Campaign to Promote Its Lockdown Response
After concluding the CCP‘s lockdowns had ―reversed the escalating cases‖ in China, the WHO
was not alone in imploring the world to ―Copy China‘s response to COVID-19.‖ Beginning the
same day the CCP locked down Hubei province, ―leaked‖ videos from Wuhan began flooding
international social media sites including Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube—all of which are
blocked in China—purporting to show the horrors of Wuhan‘s epidemic and the seriousness of
its lockdown, in scenes likened to Zombieland and The Walking Dead.
Official Chinese

88 Mercedes Yanes-Lane et al., Proportion of asymptomatic infection among COVID-19 positive persons and their
transmission potential: A systematic review and meta-analysis, PLoS One, Nov. 3, 2020,
89 Enrico Lavezzo et al., Suppression of a SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in the Italian municipality of Vo‘, Nature Vol. 584,
Jun. 30, 2020,
90 Liling Chaw et al., Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 Transmission in Different Settings, Brunei, Emerg Infect Dis Vol.
26(11), Oct. 9, 2020,
91 Justin Wong et al., Asymptomatic transmission of SARS‐CoV‐2 and implications for mass gatherings, Influenza
Other Respir Viruses Vol. 14(5), May 30, 2020,
92 Christian Drosten, M.D. et al., Transmission of 2019-nCoV Infection from an Asymptomatic Contact in Germany,
N Engl J Med Vol. 382, Jan. 30, 2020,
93 Kai Kupferschmidt, Study claiming new coronavirus can be transmitted by people without symptoms was flawed,
Science, Feb. 3, 2020,
94 Brendan McFadden, Coronavirus: Infected people seen ‗dead in streets‘ in Chinese city dubbed ‗zombieland‘,
Daily Mirror, Jan. 24, 2020,
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accounts widely shared an image of a hospital wing supposedly constructed in one day, but
which actually showed an apartment 600 miles away.95
Then, beginning in March 2020, the entire world was bombarded with propaganda extolling the
virtues of China‘s heavy-handed approach.96
Chinese state media bought numerous Facebook
ads97 advertising China‘s pandemic response (all of which ran without Facebook‘s required
political disclaimer), and began erroneously describing ―herd immunity‖—the inevitable
endpoint of every epidemic either by naturally-acquired immunity98 or vaccination—as a
―strategy‖ violating ―human rights.‖99
Sweden, whose leaders were unique in foregoing
lockdowns, became a primary target of the CCP‘s propaganda campaign.100
In the words of
China‘s state-run Global Times:
Chinese analysts and netizens doubt herd immunity and called it a violation of human
rights, citing high mortality in the country compared to other Northern European
countries. ―So-called human rights, democracy, freedom are heading in the wrong
direction in Sweden, and countries that are extremely irresponsible do not deserve to be
China’s friend …‖101
That was, of course, before the WHO adopted the bold, contradictory strategy of attempting to
rewrite the historical definition of herd immunity wholesale. As recently as June 2020, the
WHO‘s definition of herd immunity had properly included ―immunity developed through

21347952; Simon Osborne, ‗Like Walking Dead‘ Coronavirus hell as corpses litter hospitals while people drop
dead, Daily Express, Jan. 24, 2020,; Li Yuan, A Generation Grows Up in China Without Google, Facebook or
Twitter, N.Y. Times, Aug. 6, 2018,
95 Jane Lytvynenko, Chinese State Media Spread A False Image Of A Hospital For Coronavirus Patients In Wuhan,
BuzzFeed News, Jan. 27, 2020,
96 Raymond Zhong et al., Behind China‘s Twitter Campaign, a Murky Supporting Chorus, N.Y. Times, Jun. 8,
97 Laurence Dodds, China floods Facebook with undeclared coronavirus propaganda ads blaming Trump, Daily
Telegraph, Apr. 5, 2020,
98 World Health Organization, Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Serology, Jun. 9, 2020,; Wikipedia, Herd Immunity,
99 @HuXijin_GT, Twitter, Mar. 14, 2020,
100 David Hutt, Sweden-China ties grow ever icier over Hong Kong and coronavirus, Nikkei Asia, Jun. 11, 2020,
101 Leng Shumei, Sweden‘s herd immunity strategy coldblooded, indifferent: netizens, Global Times, Apr. 25, 2020,
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previous infection‖—but on October 15, 2020, the WHO effectively erased the eons-long history
of naturally-acquired immunity from its website:
‗Herd immunity‘, also known as ‗population immunity‘, is a concept used for
vaccination, in which a population can be protected from a certain virus if a threshold of
vaccination is reached.
Herd immunity is achieved by protecting people from a virus, not by exposing them to
it.102 (emphasis added)
China‘s official spokesperson, Hua Chunying, posted a video of a 7-year-old girl reciting the
importance of strict social distancing among children.103 Simultaneously, hundreds of thousands
of clandestine social media posts, which were later flagged as state-sponsored, expressed
admiration for China‘s lockdowns and longed for governments around the world to emulate
them, while denigrating governments and world leaders who failed to follow suit;104
governments including, but not limited to: Nigeria,105 Ghana,106 South Africa,
107 Namibia,108
Kenya,109 France,110 Spain,111 Colombia,112 Brazil,113 Argentina,114 Canada,115 Australia,116
India,117 Germany,118 the United Kingdom,119 and the United States.120
Not only is this very
poor global citizenship, but especially in light of the dubious science discussed above, it‘s worth

102 World Health Organization, Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Herd immunity, lockdowns and COVID-19, Oct.
15, 2020,, contra World Health Organization, Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Serology, Jun. 9,
103 @SpokespersonCHN, Twitter, Apr. 5, 2020,
104 Raymond Zhong et al., Behind China‘s Twitter Campaign, a Murky Supporting Chorus, N.Y. Times, Jun. 8,
105 @Mr_Zaheed, Twitter, Mar. 16, 2020,
106 @PolySarkcess, Twitter, Mar. 18, 2020,
107 @SipheleleQalaba, Twitter, Mar. 22, 2020,
108 @jaysibalatani, Twitter, Mar. 15, 2020,
109 @King_Mindu, Twitter, Mar. 14, 2020,
110 @LDNSOM, Twitter, Mar. 15, 2020,
111 @juanitoalimagna, Twitter, Mar. 15, 2020,
112 @chez_art, Twitter, Mar. 15, 2020,
113 @dedeteodoro, Twitter, Mar. 14, 2020,
114 @Loukasz_, Twitter, Mar. 19, 2020,
115 @yycjfl_yycguy, Twitter, Mar. 13, 2020,
116 @cxrdelias, Twitter, Mar. 16, 2020,
117 @DheerajShah_, Twitter, Mar. 15, 2020,
118 @dirkregido, Twitter, Mar. 13, 2020,
119 @DeanTweets_, Twitter, Mar. 25, 2020,
120 @MoToTheMO94, Twitter, Mar. 16, 2020,
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wondering whether these social media posts were intended to popularize lockdowns as the end in
When Italy became the first country outside China to lock down, Chinese experts arrived on
March 12 and two days later advised a tighter lockdown: ―There are still too many people and
behaviors on the street to improve.‖122
On March 19, they repeated that Italy‘s lockdown was
―not strict enough.‖ ―Here in Milan, the hardest hit area by COVID-19, there isn’t a very strict
lockdown … We need every citizen to be involved in the fight of COVID-19 and follow this
Chinese company DJI donated drones to 22 U.S. states to help enforce lockdown rules.124
Months later, DJI was blacklisted by the U.S. for having ―enabled wide-scale human rights
abuses within China through abusive genetic collection and analysis or high-technology
surveillance, and/or facilitated the export of items by China that aid repressive regimes …‖125

On July 7, FBI Director Christopher Wray disclosed that the CCP even specifically approached
local politicians to endorse its pandemic response:
[W]e have heard from federal, state, and even local officials that Chinese diplomats are
aggressively urging support for China‘s handling of the COVID-19 crisis. Yes, this is
happening at both the federal and state levels. Not that long ago, we had a state senator
who was recently even asked to introduce a resolution supporting China‘s response to the
China has financial stakes in virtually every top media outlet.127
With regard to complex issues
like lockdowns, China‘s influence can collectively tip these media entities in a dangerous

121 Michael P. Senger, China‘s Global Lockdown Propaganda Campaign, Tablet, Sep. 15, 2020,
122 Huffington Post, ―Ci sono ancora troppe persone per strada e comportamenti da migliorare‖, Mar. 14, 2020,
123 James Patterson, Italy Coronavirus Lockdown ‘Not Enough,’ Says China, Healthcare Staff Stop Counting Bodies,
Int‘l Bus. Times, Mar. 20, 2020,
124 Zachary Evans, Chinese Company Suspected of Spying on U.S. Citizens Donates Police Drones to 22 States,
Nat‘l Review, Apr. 20, 2020,
125 Bureau of Industry and Security, Addition of Entities to the Entity List, Revision of Entry on the Entity List, and
Removal of Entities from the Entity List, U.S. Dep‘t of Commerce, 15 CFR 744 Docket No. 201215-0347, Dec. 22,
126 Christopher Wray, The Threat Posed by the Chinese Government and the Chinese Communist Party to the
Economic and National Security of the United States, FBI, Jul. 7, 2020,
127 Chrissy Clark, A Rundown Of Major U.S. Corporate Media‘s Business Ties To China, The Federalist, May 4,
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direction, such as encouraging countries to copy China‘s response to COVID-19.128
has shaped the media‘s scientific narratives by consistently promoting the falsehood that ―China
controlled the virus,‖129 which is, of course, a baldfaced lie.130 Nonetheless, by encouraging
mainstream publications to repeat the lie that ―China controlled the virus,‖ the CCP has
normalized this lie and ensured its forged data remains integral to scientific discourse.131

Meanwhile, the CCP began closely monitoring Chinese academic publications on COVID-19.
The significance of China‘s global lockdown propaganda campaign is the intent behind it. While
the scientific issues described above—criminal negligence by the WHO, alarmist mortality
models, dubious PCR tests, and bad studies on asymptomatic transmission—could theoretically
be attributed to incompetence, the CCP‘s propaganda is evidence of deliberation. Sloppy science
may be professionally shameful, but it is neither a crime nor a moral failing. The possibility of
corruption and fraud, on the other hand, is another matter.
8. Many Prominent Pro-Lockdown Scientists Show Conspicuous Pro-China Bias
Not only were lockdowns laundered into science with a shocking lack of scientific debate, but
many scientists have shown an unusual deference to China in evaluating the continuation of
lockdown policies. These scientists have continuously praised China, and many appear to be
operating on the assumption that China has, in fact, eliminated domestic COVID-19 cases as the
CCP claims, when in fact this claim is a lie, as confirmed by the intelligence community.133

Needless to say, promoting major public policy decisions based on this mistaken assumption can
have devastating consequences.

128 Donald G. McNeil Jr., To Take On the Coronavirus, Go Medieval on It, N.Y. Times, Feb. 28, 2020,; Gerry Shih, Locked down in
Beijing, I watched China beat back the coronavirus, Wash. Post, Mar. 16, 2020,; David Brennan, Should Trump Copy
China’s Aggressive Coronavirus Strategy?, Newsweek, Mar. 12, 2020,
129 Peter Hessler, How China Controlled the Coronavirus, New Yorker, Aug. 10, 2020,
130 Keith Naughton, Coronavirus: It’s time to get real about the misleading data, The Hill, Apr. 1, 2020,
131 Kaylee McGhee White, Don‘t trust China’s coronavirus numbers, Wash. Exam‘r, Mar. 30, 2020,; Michael Meyer-Resende,
How reliable is WHO coronavirus data?, EU Observer, Mar. 19, 2020,
132 Stephanie Kirchgaessner et al., China clamping down on coronavirus research, deleted pages suggest, The
Guardian, Apr. 11, 2020,
133 Sonam Sheth and Isaac Scher, The US intelligence community has reportedly concluded that China intentionally
misrepresented its coronavirus numbers, Business Insider, Apr. 1, 2020,
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In a May 2020 interview for China Central Television, Richard Horton, editor-in-chief of the
esteemed medical journal The Lancet, emphatically praised China‘s lockdowns:
It was not only the right thing to do, but it also showed other countries how they should
respond in the face of such an acute threat. So, I think we have a great deal to thank
China for …134
In July, Horton reiterated his gratitude toward China, tweeting: ―Indeed. China should not be
‗blamed‘. In my view, we should thank Chinese scientists and health workers for their incredibly
selfless commitment to attacking this outbreak. They deserve our unconditional gratitude.‖135

And in August, Horton doubled down again in a full-throated piece that had surprisingly little to
do with health:
The ―century of humiliation,‖ when China was dominated by a colonially-minded west
and Japan, only came to an end with the Communist victory in the civil war in 1949 …
Every contemporary Chinese leader, including Xi Jinping, has seen their task as
protecting the territorial security won by Mao and the economic security achieved by
On October 8, the Lancet published a ringing endorsement of China‘s pandemic response:
China’s successful control of COVID-19.137
This article was met with high praise by Chen
Weihua, China Daily EU Bureau Chief:
Despite ignorance by many in the West, this article by The Lancet is a powerful
endorsement of China‘s successful pandemic response. Hate to read stories by those
paparazzi journalists who are experts at spinning but have little knowledge of science.138
Chinese scientists later submitted an article to The Lancet arguing that SARS-CoV-2 originated
in India, in the midst of ongoing border skirmishes with India.
Just weeks later, however, the

134 Global Times, China shows world the right way for pandemic response: The Lancet chief editor, May 2, 2020,
135 @richardhorton1, Twitter, Jul. 7, 2020,
136 Richard Horton, This wave of anti-China feeling masks the west’s own Covid-19 failures, The Guardian, Aug. 3,
137 Talha Burki, China’s successful control of COVID-19, The Lancet Vol. 20(11), Oct. 8, 2020,
138 @chenweihua, Twitter, Oct. 16, 2020,
139 Shen Libing et al., The Early Cryptic Transmission and Evolution of SARS-CoV-2 in Human Hosts, SSRN, Nov.
16, 2020,
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party line changed again amid economic tensions with Australia, and Global Times claimed the
coronavirus may have come from Australia.140
William A. Haseltine, Chairman of the Board of the US-China Health Summit since 2015, has
also reserved great praise for China. In October 2020, China Daily syndicated a column from
Haseltine in which he towed the CCP‘s party line on Sweden, chastising the country for choosing
to ―forego lockdowns‖ and base its strategy on ―herd immunity,‖ for which he erroneously states
that Sweden’s ―COVID-19 infection and fatality rates were among the world‘s highest‖:
But to base a pandemic-response strategy on the assumption that herd immunity is
inevitable-vaccine or no vaccine-is to afford a virus a path of least resistance. That
was the case in Sweden, where policymakers decided to forego lockdowns and business
closures in favor of more lenient advisories on mask-wearing and social distancing.
Unsurprisingly, Sweden’s subsequent COVID-19 infection and fatality rates were among
the world‘s highest.141
Early in the pandemic, on March 25, Haseltine also praised China‘s measures in contrast to the
United States, most of which had yet to impose lockdowns: ―The measures the US is taking to
control Covid-19 are far inferior to what was done in China according to @JNBPage in @WSJ – For more details see an interview quarantine of an American in
Shanghai –‖142 Later that day, Haseltine continued: ―Two months of
lockdown in Hubei province in China has been lifted, although Wuhan remains under quarantine
until April 8. This is an important moment, and testament to the effectiveness of containment
Haseltine praised China again on May 20: ―It is possible to eliminate Covid
without effective drugs or vaccines. This is how they did it in Wuhan, China.‖144
On June 4, Haseltine again compared the U.S. negatively to China: ―The steps China has taken to
protect its population through testing and tracking is truly impressive. The US, on the other hand,
is failing.‖145
And again on September 15: ―Has the US has done [sic] all it can to control
Covid-19? Covid can be contained without a vaccine or drug. China now has near zero new

140 Charlie Moore, China claims coronavirus may have started in AUSTRALIA and travelled to Wuhan’s wet market
via frozen steak exports – and attacks US alliance with insulting new cartoon, Daily Mail Australia, Dec. 6. 2020,
141 William A. Haseltine, Herd immunity will not defeat COVID-19, China Daily, Oct. 12, 2020,; Worldometer, COVID-19
Coronavirus Pandemic,
142 @WmHaseltine, Twitter, Mar. 25, 2020,
143 @WmHaseltine, Twitter, Mar. 25, 2020,
144 @WmHaseltine, Twitter, May 20, 2020,
145 @WmHaseltine, Twitter, Jun. 4, 2020,
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infections. ACCESS Health & the @RockefellerFdn explored how they did it with the use of
digital technologies.‖146
Tom Frieden, former director of the CDC, is another prominent advocate of COVID-19
lockdowns. In 2015, ―Frieden praised the public health partnership between China and the
United States,‖ according to Global Times.147
In 2017, Frieden joined China in backing Tedros
Adhanom as director of the WHO over the United Kingdom‘s eminently-qualified David
Nabarro: ―Tedros is an excellent choice to lead WHO. He succeeded in Ethiopia, making
remarkable health progress…‖148
To the contrary, as was widely-known at the time, Tedros had
helped Ethiopia‘s regime cover up three cholera epidemics during his time as Ethiopia‘s Minister
of Public Health.149
As a senior member of the Tigray People‘s Liberation Front (TPLF),
designated a terrorist organization by the United States in the 1990s, Tedros ―was a crucial
decision maker in relation to security service actions that included killing, arbitrarily detaining
and torturing Ethiopians‖ and was ―personally responsible for brutal repression of the Amhara
people, using aid money selectively to starve them out and deny them access to basic services,‖
—war crimes for which charges of genocide have recently been submitted against him at the
International Criminal Court at the Hague.150
Frieden traveled extensively throughout China in 2018 and 2019 for public health collaborations,
and he has heaped praise on China since the COVID-19 crisis began.151
Frieden praised China‘s
response early on, writing for CNN on February 25: ―China‘s extraordinary cordon of Hubei
province and other areas bought the world at least a month of lead time to prepare.‖152
In an
April interview, Frieden told China Global Television (CGTN): ―There‘s a lot the world can
learn from China on stopping COVID-19.‖153
On March 17, Frieden urged the U.S. to emulate China‘s expansion of hospital capacity: ―When
@voxdotcom posted this yesterday I thought hospitals might need to triple their beds and

146 @WmHaseltine, Twitter, Sep. 15, 2020,
147 Xinhua, China, US eye cooperation in fighting global epidemic diseases, Global Times, May 13, 2015,
148 Helen Branswell, WHO elects Ethiopia‘s Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus as its new director general, Stat, May
23, 2017,
149 Donald G. McNeil Jr., Candidate to Lead the W.H.O. Accused of Covering Up Epidemics, N.Y. Times, May 13,
150 Jonathan Ames, Tedros Adhanom: WHO chief may face genocide charges, The Times of London, Dec. 14, 2020,;
Frank Report, The Ethiopian Terrorist in Charge of the World Health Organization — Dr. Tedros Adhanom, Apr.
14, 2020,
151 @DrTomFrieden, Twitter, Nov. 7, 2018,;
@DrTomFrieden, Twitter, Jun. 21, 2019,
152 Dr. Tom Frieden, Former CDC director: A coronavirus pandemic is inevitable. What now?, CNN, Feb. 25, 2020,
153 @cgtnamerica, Twitter, Apr. 8, 2020,
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ventilators for pts with #COVID19. Now data suggests we may need as much as 10x more.
China built 1K bed hospitals in 8 days, urgent action needed in US now.‖154
On April 1, Frieden tweeted the same words three times, praising China and urging the U.S. to
ramp up its response: ―I’m angry. Friends & neighbors sick & dying. 2.9: days Wuhan’s action
bought China: 2.9: number of MONTHS squandered by US not ramping
up protection of HCW, critical care, testing, contact tracing, isolation, quarantine. Roadmap:‖155
In August, Frieden praised China several times, contrasting its ―success‖ with that of the U.S.
On August 10: ―Meanwhile in China. They report they can now do 4.8M PCR tests/day. Schools
are opening and staying open. Mask-wearing is, where appropriate, nearly universal. Last week,
they had an average of 34 cases/day. That’s a case rate less than 1/5,000th that of the US.‖156 On
August 15: ―This reflection from an American teaching in Chengdu—where Covid lockdowns
were strictly enforced—examines the nuances of life in China and how the country was able to
crush the curve.‖157 And on August 16: ―Thoughts about huge, unmasked crowds at festivals in
Wuhan!? Well, that’s the reward for crushing the curve – you get back to near pre-Covid reality.
But that’s probably not a reasonable goal for most places, where simmering control is a realistic
best-case scenario.‖158
And on August 18: ―China reported a case rate less than 1/5,000th of the
US‘. It‘s possible for us to control Covid too if Americans work together and fully support public
While these individuals are unique in their pro-China, pro-lockdown bias, as scientists they‘re far
from alone in their apparent ties to the CCP. In June, the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
disclosed that 189 of its grantees had received undisclosed funding from foreign governments.160

In 93% of cases, including that of Charles Lieber, chair of Harvard‘s chemistry department, the
undisclosed funding came from China.161
The co-founders of CanSino Biologics, a Chinese

154 @DrTomFrieden, Twitter, Mar. 17, 2020,
155 @DrTomFrieden, Twitter, Apr. 1, 2020,;
@DrTomFrieden, Twitter, Apr. 1, 2020,;
@DrTomFrieden, Twitter, Apr. 1, 2020,
156 @DrTomFrieden, Twitter, Aug. 14, 2020,
157 @DrTomFrieden, Twitter, Aug. 15, 2020,
158 @DrTomFrieden, Twitter, Aug. 18, 2020,
159 @DrTomFrieden, Twitter, Aug. 18, 2020,
160 Jeffrey Mervis, Fifty-four scientists have lost their jobs as a result of NIH probe into foreign ties, Science, Jun.
12, 2020,
161 Office of Public Affairs, Harvard University Professor and Two Chinese Nationals Charged in Three Separate
China Related Cases, U.S. Dep‘t of Justice Press Release No. 20-99, Jan. 28, 2020,
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vaccine company collaborating with Canada, were found to be members of the CCP‘s Thousand
Talents Plan for co-opting and incentivizing scientists to transfer research and knowledge to
According to the Harvard Crimson, the largest gift in the history of Harvard‘s Chan
School of Public Health came in part from a ―pawn of the CCP,‖ a ―cheerleader for a
government responsible for significant humanitarian crises‖ through a series of shell companies,
the largest of which was named in the Panama Papers.163
There is nothing immoral or illegal about merely being wrong. But given the magnitude of the
decisions being made during the COVID-19 crisis, if even a handful of influential scientists are
cross-incentivized to support lockdowns regardless of any real data or results, this can have an
outsized impact on both public opinion and policy.
9. Many Other Influential Lockdown Supporters Are Both Woefully Unqualified to Be
Advising World Leaders on Pandemic Policy and Often Show Conspicuous ProChina Bias
In addition to the many scientists with ties to China, a number of woefully unqualified
individuals have held themselves out to the public and politicians as experts with regard to
COVID-19 epidemiology and lockdowns, when in fact their backgrounds reveal them to have no
such expertise. Many of these, too, have shown unusual deference to China.
On January 25, 2020, Eric Feigl-Ding, an epidemiologist in Harvard‘s nutrition department with
little background in infectious disease, wrote, ―HOLY MOTHER OF GOD, the new coronavirus
is a 3.8!!! How bad is that reproductive R0 value? It is thermonuclear pandemic level bad.‖164

This was the first of a months-long series of dubious, but widely-shared, alarmist tweets by the
previously unknown Ding, by virtue of which he gained hundreds of thousands of Twitter
followers and became one of the leading advocates of strict COVID-19 mandates, despite his
evident lack of qualifications.165
Ding is an alumnus of the World Economic Forum‘s Global Shapers, a group of young people
that considers Taiwan a part of Greater China166 and has campaigned during the COVID-19
162 Sam Cooper, Chinese vaccine company executives worked in program now targeted by Western intelligence
agencies, Global News, Dec. 2, 2020,
163 Guillermo S. Hava, The Other Chan: Donation Sanitization at the School of Public Health, The Harvard
Crimson, Oct. 19, 2020,
164 @DrEricDing, Twitter, Jan. 25, 2020,
165 Tom Bartlett, This Harvard Epidemiologist Is Very Popular on Twitter. But Does He Know What He‘s Talking
About?, The Chronicle of Higher Educ., Apr. 17, 2020,
166 Global Shapers Community, Taipei Hub,
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crisis to share ―their personal experiences of combating the coronavirus in their cities and of
adapting to a new normal.‖167
His enormous Twitter following irked many of his colleagues,
prompting prominent Harvard epidemiologist Marc Lipsitch to denounce him as a charlatan:
―OK lots of people think this is an intramural tiff. In the sense that we have been working
@CCDD_HSPH for a decade and at @HarvardEpi for 25y to establish ID epidemiology as a
field of excellence & we don‘t like a charlatan exploiting a tenuous connection for selfpromotion, yes.‖168
Columbia virologist Angela Rasmussen agreed with Dr. Lipsitch‘s assessment: ―Eric Feigl-Ding
is a charlatan. If Dr. Lipsitch sounds condescending, it‘s because EFD has repeatedly claimed
expertise he doesn’t have in order to get attention. He sensationalizes data and distributes outright
misinformation. He‘s harmful to public health and I disdain that too.‖169
These denunciations by Drs. Rasmussen and Lipsitch are noteworthy in that both have supported
limited lockdowns and criticized both pro- and anti-lockdown scientists and commentators.
However, their denunciations of Ding have not slowed down his Twitter campaign, and he has
continued to present himself in attire worn by a medical doctor, completely inappropriate to his
background as a nutritionist.170
Tomas Pueyo is an engineer and MBA with no background in health or epidemiology who came
to sudden fame for a March 10 article on the self-publishing site Medium titled ―Coronavirus:
Why You Must Act Now,‖ in which he implored leaders around the world to implement
lockdowns on China‘s model to counter rising COVID-19 cases. ―The total number of cases
grew exponentially until China contained it. But then, it leaked outside, and now it‘s a pandemic
that nobody can stop.‖171 (emphasis added)
Pueyo‘s article quickly went viral and was shared hundreds of thousands of times, including by
many celebrities.172
After it went viral, Pueyo went on tour advising state legislators on
implementing lockdowns.173
Not only was Pueyo unqualified to be dispatching this type of epidemiological advice to world
leaders, but Pueyo‘s March 10 article contains a number of red flags. First, Pueyo several times
refers to the coronavirus as a ―pandemic.‖ However, as of March 10, the WHO had not yet

167 World Economic Forum, Global Shapers Community Annual Report 2019–2020,
168 @mlipsitch, Twitter, Mar. 19, 2020,
169 @angie_rasmussen, Twitter, Apr. 14, 2020,
170 @DrEricDing, Twitter, Oct. 20, 2020,
171 Tomas Pueyo, Coronavirus: Why You Must Act Now, Medium, Mar. 10, 2020,
172 @sapinker, Twitter, Mar. 11, 2020,
173 @tomaspueyo, Twitter, Mar. 25, 2020,
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declared the coronavirus a pandemic,174 and per the article, cases accounted for less than
0.0015% of the world‘s population. In the article, Pueyo then goes on to implore leaders:
But in 2–4 weeks, when the entire world is in lockdown, when the few precious days of
social distancing you will have enabled will have saved lives, people won‘t criticize you
anymore: They will thank you for making the right decision. (emphasis added)
Not only was the coronavirus not yet a pandemic, but as of March 10 there were fewer than 200
cases in the entire developing world outside China. Pueyo had no good reason to call the
coronavirus a pandemic, no good reason to believe the entire world would be in lockdown in two
to four weeks, and, above all, no good reason to be advising world leaders to lock down.
On March 19, Pueyo posted another Medium article titled ―The Hammer and Dance,‖ which
again went viral, explaining the strategy Pueyo described as ―the Hammer‖—quick, aggressive
lockdowns when outbreaks occur—followed by ―the Dance‖—tracing, surveillance, and
quarantine measures.175
On March 22, three days after Pueyo‘s ―The Hammer and Dance‖ was published, a strategy
paper by the German Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) entitled ―How to get a grip on
COVID-19‖ (later dubbed ―the Panic Paper‖) was secretly distributed to members of German
parliament and leaders of certain media outlets—this paper played an outsized role in
encouraging the German government to implement a nationwide lockdown in March.176
the BMI refused to release the Panic Paper to the public under the Freedom of Information Act, it
was leaked by FragDenStaat, a whistleblower site.177
Despite being published just three days after Pueyo‘s article, the Panic Paper relied heavily on
Pueyo‘s work, referring to the strategy of intermittent lockdowns and surveillance as the
―Hammer and Dance‖ without citing Pueyo. The term ―Hammer and Dance‖ has no history in
epidemiology—Tomas Pueyo invented it for his March 19 article.178

174 World Health Organization, Archived: WHO Timeline – COVID-19, Apr. 27, 2020,—covid-19.
175 Tomas Pueyo, Coronavirus: The Hammer and the Dance, Medium, Mar. 19, 2020,
176 Parliamentwatch, Das interne Strategiepapier des Innenministeriums zur Corona-Pandemie, Apr. 7, 2020,
177 Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community, Wie wir COVID-19 unter Kontrolle bekommen,
Strategiepapier des Bundesinnenministeriums, FragDenStaat, Mar. 22, 2020,
178 Google Trends, Hammer and Dance,
%20and%20dance%22; Google Trends, Hammer and the Dance,
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Otto Kölbl is one of the authors of the Panic Paper.179
Kölbl has been ―researching socioeconomic development in China and (comparatively) in other developing countries as well as
their presentation in the Western media‖ since 2007.180
From 2005 to 2006 he was a language
teacher at Northwestern Polytechnical University in Xi‘an, China. He now runs his own blog
called ―‖ in which he has described Hong Kong as ―parasitic‖181 and praised
China‘s exemplary development of Tibet.182
Like Pueyo, Kölbl is extraordinarily unqualified to
be advising world leaders on any aspect of epidemiology, infectiology, or public health, fields in
which he has no background.
Maximilian Mayer is another co-author of the Panic Paper.183
Mayer taught at the University of
Nottingham in Ningbo China and Tongji University in Shanghai, and was a research fellow at
Renmin University Beijing.184
Mayer‘s research interests include China‘s foreign and energy
policy, climate politics, and international relations, and he edited Rethinking the Silk-Road:
China‘s Belt and Road Initiative and Emerging Eurasian Relations.185
He has since returned to
Bonn University as a junior professor of international relations.186
Like Pueyo and Kölbl, Mayer
lacks any apparent qualification in epidemiology, infectiology, or public health, the fields on
which he advised Germany‘s leaders via the Panic Paper.
From the earliest possible date, physicist Yaneer Bar-Yam has urged the entire world to emulate
China‘s strategy of attempting to eliminate COVID-19 entirely through the adoption of strict
social distancing measures. On February 2, Bar-Yam praised China‘s supposed rapid
construction of a hospital: ―Hospital built in days in China is now operational.‖187
On February
28, Bar-Yam quoted the WHO‘s report from its China Joint Mission which sent the world into
179 Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community, Brief: Informationsfreiheitsgesetz Strategiepapier des
Bundesinnenministeriums ―Wie wir COVID-19 unter Kontrolle bekommen‖, Jun. 9, 2020,
180 Université de Lausanne Faculté des lettres Section d’allemand, Kölbl Otto,
181 Otto Kölbl, Hong Kong – An extreme example of parasitic development,
182 Otto Kölbl, Have Tibetans benefited from recent economic development?,
183 Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community, Brief: Informationsfreiheitsgesetz Strategiepapier des
Bundesinnenministeriums ―Wie wir COVID-19 unter Kontrolle bekommen‖, Jun. 9, 2020,
184 Munich Center for Technology in Society Technical University of Munich, Dr. Maximilian Mayer,
185 Id.
186 Universität Bonn Institut für Politische Wissenschaft und Soziologie, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Maximilian Mayer,
187 @yaneerbaryam, Twitter, Feb. 2, 2020,
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lockdown: ―China‘s uncompromising and rigorous use of non-pharmaceutical measures to
contain transmission of the COVID-19 virus in multiple settings provides vital lessons for the
global response.‖188
That same day, Bar-Yam continued ―We should all acknowledge and thank
China for their aggressive response to the Wuhan coronavirus. This includes stopping almost all
travel of their citizens to the world to prevent contagion elsewhere.‖189 In February, Bar-Yam
launched the website, which was quickly translated into 17 languages,
urging countries around the world to implement Wuhan-style lockdowns.190

Bar-Yam has spent the better part of a year admiring China‘s lockdowns—including the CCP‘s
murderous lockdown in Xinjiang—and promoting the use of China‘s data despite allegations of
fraud. On July 18, Bar-Yam praised China‘s ―wartime‖ lockdown in Xinjiang: ―17 new cases,
shut the city down. Don’t give it a chance. China coronavirus: ‗Wartime state‘ declared for
Urumqi in Xinjiang.‖191
This same lockdown simultaneously caused tremendous concern among
human rights watchers and activists due to the CCP‘s concomitant acts of genocide in Xinjiang
against Uyghur Muslims and other Turkic minorities.192
On March 8, Bar-Yam defended China‘s data, in contrast to the U.S.: ―Actually, the numbers in
the US are underreported because of limited testing. This is known. Many said the numbers in
China are underreported, nobody has shown evidence. If you have it show it or take a seat.‖193

Bar-Yam reiterated this sentiment on March 14: ―Speculations about the problems in China with
data are projections.‖194
On March 29, Bar-Yam encouraged the U.S. to emulate China: ―We
need a much wider restriction. Still, China used such a strategy effectively.‖195
And, on August
3, Bar-Yam congratulated China: ―Successful outbreak response: China‘s manufacturing activity
surges in July.‖196
During crises, citizens trust experts with major policy decisions. For individuals to hold
themselves out to the public and their leaders as experts in a crisis when they lack the necessary
qualifications is bad enough; if they are somehow cross-incentivized to do so, it‘s much worse.

188 @yaneerbaryam, Twitter, Feb. 28, 2020,
189 @yaneerbaryam, Twitter, Feb. 28, 2020,
190 @yaneerbaryam, Twitter, Apr. 26, 2020,
191 @yaneerbaryam, Twitter, Jul. 18, 2020,
192 @SophieHRW, Twitter, Jul. 18, 2020,
193 @yaneerbaryam, Twitter, Mar. 8, 2020,
194 @yaneerbaryam, Twitter, Mar. 14, 2020,
195 @yaneerbaryam, Twitter, Mar. 29, 2020,
196 @yaneerbaryam, Twitter, Aug. 3, 2020,
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10. Several Top National Health Officials Among the Nations Are Woefully Unqualified
and Show Conspicuous Pro-China Bias
Canada‘s top health minister, Patty Hajdu, has no apparent background in infectiology or
epidemiology, her only public health experience being in substance abuse and injury
Hajdu‘s admiration for China goes back some time—in 2014 she advised: ―Don’t
believe everything you read. Chinese sunset story pure propaganda,‖ sharing an article arguing
that stories of China broadcasting a sunset in Beijing were false.198
Hajdu first earned the praise
of Chinese foreign spokesperson Hua Chunying in early February 2020 for refusing to ban travel
from China: ―Canada believes the ban of entry has no basis, which is a sharp contrast for the
U.S. behaviours.‖199
In April, Hajdu defended China‘s COVID-19 case data: ―There is no indication the data that
came out of China in terms of their death rate and infection rate was falsified in any way.‖ 200

When a reporter pointed out a U.S. intelligence report to the contrary, Hajdu scolded: ―I would
say your question is feeding into conspiracy theories that many people have been perpetuating on
the internet.‖201
After that early April exchange, Hajdu was excoriated in Canada‘s press for
―effectively trying to gaslight her own citizens about the conduct of a habitually oppressive and
untruthful regime.‖202
But Hajdu ignored that coverage and quickly doubled down just one
month later, praising China‘s ―historic containment efforts.‖203
Hajdu continued into September, again earning aplomb from CGTN for defending China: ―very
early on China alerted the World Health Organization to the emergence of a novel coronavirus
and also shared the sequencing of the gene which allowed countries to be able to rapidly produce
tests to be able to detect it in their own countries.‖204
For this, Chen Weihua, China Daily EU

197 Joan Bryden, Nothing prepared Patty Hajdu for this, Canada‘s Nat‘l Observer, Apr. 6 2020,
198 @PattyHajdu, Twitter, Jan. 20, 2014,
199 Christy Somos, China praises Canada, slams U.S. over coronavirus response, CTV News, Feb. 3, 2020,
200 Graeme Wood, Questioning WHO and China virus data feeds conspiracy theories: Health Minister, Richmond
News, Apr. 2, 2020,
201 Id.
202 Robyn Urback, Canadians have been gaslit on China, The Globe and Mail, Apr. 30, 2020,
203 True North, Hajdu stands by praise for Chinese government and wanting to keep borders open, Apr. 30, 2020,
204 CGTN, Canada’s health minister praises China’s handling of COVID-19, Sep. 16, 2020,–
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Bureau Chief, praised Hajdu: ―Canadian Health Minister Hajdu is a role model. She is a
disappointment to those paparazzi journalists and fearmongers.‖205
Hajdu even earned a special nod from China‘s Ministry of Foreign Affairs: ―We noticed relevant
reports and applaud the Canadian health minister’s objective and fair remarks.‖206
As commentator Spencer Fernando pointed out, ―Propaganda Patty … appears to be one of the
only people on Earth who actually believes China‘s official virus numbers.‖207
unrepentant, Hajdu again scolded a journalist questioning data, echoing her April sentiments:
―Mr. Speaker, do you know what will help Canadians‘ lives? If the member opposite and the
leader of the opposition stop their members from sharing fake and dangerous news like the
member from Lethridge and the member of Carleton stay focused on saving lives of Canadians
instead of spreading conspiracy theories.‖208
Matt Hancock is a former economist and civil servant who had little to no background in public
health or natural science before becoming health secretary of the United Kingdom. Prior to
COVID-19, Hancock reportedly showed little interest in his role: ―For him, it‘s all about
promoting himself and using it as a stepping stone to his next job,‖ said another NHS chief.
―Tech is the only area in which he‘s made a mark… But his belief that tech can solve many of
the NHS‘s difficulties had led to him being derided by people he needs to respect him.‖209
Hancock has been especially keen on the adoption of technology from China, meeting with KaiFu Lee, CEO of Chinese venture capital firm Sinovation Ventures, in January 2018.210
(In 2019,
Kai-Fu Lee became part of the World Economic Forum‘s AI Council along with Imperial
College President Alice Gast).211
In September 2018, Hancock led a ―British business delegation
talking healthtech in China‖:212
―I‘m in China this week to look at collaborating with our
Chinese counterparts to harness the power of tech & innovation in healthcare.‖213

205 @chenweihua, Twitter, Apr. 3, 2020,
206 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People‘s Republic of China, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin’s
Regular Press Conference on September 18, 2020, Sep. 18, 2020,
207 Spencer Fernando, Propaganda Patty Defends Communist China Yet Again, Sept. 13, 2020,
208 True North, Hajdu slanders journalist as ―dangerous‖ and ―fake news‖, Nov. 26, 2020,
209 Denis Campbell, Who‘s Matt Hancock? The health secretary‘s only legacy will be how quickly he‘s forgotten,
The Guardian, Jul. 24, 2019,
210 @MattHancock, Twitter, Jan. 19, 2018,
211 David Lee, World Economic Forum Establishes ―A.I. Council‖ Co-chaired by Chinese AI Expert Kai-Fu Lee,
Pandaily, Jan. 24, 2019,
212 @MattHancock, Twitter, Sep. 19, 2018,
213 @MattHancock, Twitter, Sep. 17, 2018,
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In April 2020, China‘s National Health Commission reported that Hancock and his Chinese
counterpart, Ma Xioawei, had spoken over the phone to discuss future collaboration during the
COVID-19 crisis: ―Hancock spoke highly of China‘s commitment to fighting COVID-19 and
China-UK cooperation during the pandemic, and said that the UK is willing to enhance
exchanges and collaboration with China …‖214
Three weeks later, CGTN reported that Hancock
and Ma held a digital meeting of high-level health officials from China and the UK in a bid to
increase cooperation amid the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond, including discussing
―lockdown-lifting strategies:‖
Hancock said he appreciated the cooperation so far between the two nations in their joint
response to the epidemic, and expressed that the UK is willing to strengthen antiepidemic cooperation with China and to use the epidemic prevention and control
agreements as an opportunity to deepen bilateral health and global health cooperation…
They held in-depth discussions on topics including lockdown-lifting strategies and
reiterated their willingness to strengthen experience sharing and technical cooperation to
jointly safeguard the people of the two countries.215 (emphasis added)
During the COVID-19 crisis, Christian Drosten assumed the role of Germany‘s most influential
health official, though as a virologist he has little background in epidemiology, infectiology, or
public health.216
Drosten‘s central role in creating the wildly-inaccurate COVID-19 PCR test has
already been discussed. In a May 14 press conference, Drosten referred to: ―this concept in the
pandemic research of ‗The hammer and the dance,‘‖ but this is not true—as discussed above, the
term has no history, it was invented by Tomas Pueyo on March 19.
Daniel Andrews, Premier of Victoria, Australia, employs several advisors with ties to the CCP
who have been involved in his strict pandemic policies. Danny Pearson, the MP who led
Andrews‘ Belt and Road negotiations, lauded China’s handling of the coronavirus.217
long-time staffer, Nancy Yang, attended a course in propaganda at a high-level CCP academy
and helped spread COVID-19 disinformation early in the COVID-19 crisis.218
Both Yang and

214 National Health Commission of the People‘s Republic of China, NHC minister speaks on phone with UK health
secretary, Apr. 23, 2020,
215 CGTN, Public health experts from China and UK move to develop greater cooperation, May 16, 2020,
216 Tim Loh, Germany Has Its Own Dr. Fauci—and Actually Follows His Advice, Bloomberg Businessweek, Sept.
28, 2020,
217 Damon Johnston, Daniel Andrews‘s BRI broker praises China on virus, The Australian, Jun. 12, 2020,
218 Rachel Baxendale, Daniel Andrews staffer Nancy Yang did Chinese Communist propaganda course, The
Australian, Jun. 29, 2020,; Alison Bevege, Labor
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Andrews‘ senior advisor on China, Marty Mei, are members of the Chinese Community Council
of Australia, the foremost United Front organization in Victoria.219
Two senior figures in
organizations linked to the Chinese Communist Party‘s foreign influence operation, Arthur Wu
and Su Junxi, were chosen as COVID-19 ―community ambassadors‖ in Andrews‘
Andrews previously signed onto Xi Jinping‘s Belt and Road initiative without consulting Prime
Minister Scott Morrison, for which he was publicly rebuked.221
Internal documents obtained
under the freedom of information act show Andrews pitching for money and expertise from
Chinese state-owned companies in his trip to China in October 2019, with a promise to
―facilitate‖ their access to Victoria and ―collaborate‖ on the state’s biggest projects. Victoria, he
said, would become ―China‘s gateway to Australia.‖222
In August 2020, the city of Melbourne in Victoria became the first Australian city to implement
Stage 4 lockdown—the strictest restrictions, with curfews and stiff fines.223
11. Prominent Lockdown Supporters Have Proven Unusually Indifferent to the
Devastating Consequences of Their Policies
In addition to their pro-China bias, lockdown proponents have proven strangely stubborn in their
support of these policies, continuing to promote economically- and socially-destructive measures
seemingly without concern for their terrifying real-world consequences; tragically, these
consequences are all too real.
Data from the website has shown that over 60% of business closures during the
COVID-19 crisis are now permanent, amounting to more than 97,000 businesses lost in the

staffer with Chinese Communist Party links pushes bizarre conspiracy theory coronavirus was created by the U.S.
and spread around the globe by its army, Daily Mail Australia, Jun. 1, 2020,
219 Advance Australia, How CCP Influence Runs Deep in Oz, Jun. 12, 2020,
220 Tom Minear, ‗Community ambassadors‘ linked to Chinese Community Party, Herald Sun, Dec. 1, 2020,
221 ABC News, Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews clash over China deal, Nov. 6,
222 Richard Baker, ‗China’s gateway‘: Daniel Andrews’ Belt and Road pitch to Beijing, The Age, Oct. 3, 2020,
223 Kaeli Conforti, Melbourne Begins Strict Stage 4 Lockdown This Week After Another Covid-19 Spike, Forbes,
Aug. 3, 2020,; Victoria Department of Health and Human Services,
Victoria’s restriction levels,
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Nearly half of black-owned small businesses have been wiped out.225
Unemployment in
the United States reached as high as 14.7% and highways jammed with thousands of vehicles
awaiting their turn at food banks.226
Nearly 5% of the population of the United Kingdom went
hungry during the first three weeks of lockdown.227
A survey found that 22% of Canadians were experiencing high anxiety levels, a four-fold
increase from before the COVID-19 crisis, while the number reporting symptoms of depression
doubled to 13%.228
More than 40 U.S. states have reported increases in opioid-related
And, according to the CDC, despite mass PCR testing and the enormous number of
false positives, at least 100,947 excess deaths in 2020 were not linked to COVID-19 at all.
Though at little risk from the virus itself, young people bore an outsized share of the burden of
lockdown. More than seven in ten adults aged 18-23 said they experienced common symptoms
of depression.231
The CDC revealed that young adults aged 25-44 saw the largest increase in
―excess‖ deaths from previous years, a stunning 26.5% jump,232 despite accounting for fewer
than 3% of deaths from COVID-19. This increase literally surpassed the increase in excess
mortality of older Americans, who are at much higher risk of COVID-19 fatality. Since young
people are at very low risk for COVID-19 fatality—20-49-year-olds have a 99.98% chance of
surviving the virus, per CDC data—this shocking increase in deaths is largely attributable to
deaths of ―despair,‖ in other words, deaths by lockdown.233

224 Anjali Sundaram, Yelp data shows 60% of business closures due to the coronavirus pandemic are now
permanent, CNBC, Sep. 16 2020,
225 Pedro Nicolaci da Costa, The Covid-19 Crisis Has Wiped Out Nearly Half Of Black Small Businesses, Forbes,
Aug. 10, 2020,
226 Jack Healy, It‘s ‗People, People, People‘ as Lines Stretch Across America, N.Y. Times, Apr. 12, 2020,
Bethan Staton and Judith Evans, Three million go hungry in UK because of lockdown, Fin. Times, Apr. 10, 2020,
228 Morganne Campbell, Canadians reporting higher levels of anxiety, depression amid the pandemic, Global News,
Oct. 10, 2020,
229 American Medical Association, Issue brief: Reports of increases in opioid- and other drug-related overdose and
other concerns during COVID pandemic, Dec. 9, 2020,
230 Lauren M. Rossen, PhD et al., Excess Deaths Associated with COVID-19, by Age and Race and Ethnicity —
United States, January 26–October 3, 2020, U.S. CDC MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep Vol. 69(42), Oct. 23, 2020,
231 Cory Stieg, More than 7 in 10 Gen-Zers report symptoms of depression during pandemic, survey finds, CNBC,
Oct. 21 2020,
232 Amanda Prestigiacomo, New CDC Numbers Show Lockdown‘s Deadly Toll On Young People, The Daily Wire,
Oct. 22, 2020,
233 Id.
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Suicides jumped to unprecedented levels around the world. ―We‘ve never seen numbers like this
in such a short period of time,‖ said Walnut Creek‘s Dr. Mike deBoisblanc. ―I mean we‘ve seen
a year‘s worth of suicide attempts in the last four weeks.‖234
―September of 2020 has been the
highest month ever that we‘ve seen suicidal patients admitted to our medical center,‖ said Dr.
Kia Carter, medical director of Psychiatry at Cook Children‘s Hospital.235
In Japan, government
statistics show suicide claimed more lives in October than Covid-19 has over the entire year to
And, despite being at virtually no risk from COVID-19, as a result of lockdowns, children have
suffered the most of all. Nearly one in four children living under COVID-19 lockdowns, social
restrictions, and school closures are dealing with feelings of anxiety, with many at risk of lasting
psychological distress.237 In recent surveys of children and parents in the U.S., Germany,
Finland, Spain and the U.K. by Save the Children, up to 65% of the children struggled with
feelings of isolation.238
Children‘s health and intellectual development has regressed. Some who were potty-trained
before lockdowns have reverted to diapers, and others have forgotten basic numbers or how to
use a knife and fork.239
According to the University of Wisconsin, during the COVID-19 crisis
American children over the age of ten have engaged in 50% less physical activity.240

Achievement gaps have widened, and early literacy progress has declined.241
Per CDC, the
proportion of mental health–related emergency visits for children aged 5–11 and 12–17 years

234 Amy Hollyfield, Suicides on the rise amid stay-at-home order, Bay Area medical professionals say, ABC 7
News, May 21, 2020,
235 SBG San Antonio, HOSPITAL: 37 children attempted suicide in September, highest number in five years, CBS
Austin, Oct. 27th 2020,
236 Selina Wang et al., In Japan, more people died from suicide last month than from Covid in all of 2020. And
women have been impacted most, CNN, Nov. 30, 2020,
237 Save the Children, ‗Children at risk of lasting psychological distress from coronavirus lockdown‘: Save the
Children, UN OCHA Reliefweb, May 8, 2020,
238 Save the Children, ‗Children at Risk of Lasting Psychological Distress from Coronavirus Lockdown‘: Save the
Children, May 8, 2020,
239 Sally Weale, Children regressing and struggling mentally in lockdown, says Ofsted, The Guardian, Nov. 9, 2020,
240 The Economist, Lockdowns could have long-term effects on children‘s health, Jul. 19 2020,
241 Perry Stein, In D.C., achievement gap widens, early literacy progress declines during pandemic, data show,
Wash. Post, Oct. 30, 2020,
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increased approximately 24% and 31%, respectively.242
And, most horrifying of all, a study
found a 1493% rise in the incidence of abusive head trauma among children during the first
month of lockdown in the U.K.243
These are not statistics. They‘re friends, neighbors, and citizens, whose lives have been
needlessly destroyed by government policies. But while these statistics among the Nations may
be horrifying, they pale in comparison to the suffering of untold millions in the developing
world, cast into starvation and poverty as a result of our lockdowns. Autocracies grew more
oppressive, and democracies took on autocratic characteristics.244
In India, millions of stranded
workers lost their livelihoods and marched in exodus to far-off villages.245
In South Africa, food
lines stretched for miles.246
Quarantined migrants in Saudi Arabia were left to die. ―The guards
just throw the bodies out back as if it was trash.‖247
The United Nations forewarned of a ―famine of biblical proportions‖ with 265 million people
―literally marching to the brink of starvation,‖248 and later estimated that the crisis had ―pushed
an additional 150 million children into multidimensional poverty—deprived of education, health,
housing, nutrition, sanitation or water.‖249
All this for a virus that the WHO‘s peer-reviewed
data250 now reveals to have an infection fatality rate of 0.23%—0.05% in those under age 70—
and which the WHO estimates might have already infected one in ten people worldwide by

242 Rebecca T. Leeb, PhD et al., Mental Health–Related Emergency Department Visits Among Children Aged <18
Years During the COVID-19 Pandemic — United States, January 1–October 17, 2020, U.S. CDC MMWR Morb
Mortal Wkly Rep Vol. 69(45), Nov. 13, 2020,
243 Jai Sidpra et al., Rise in the incidence of abusive head trauma during the COVID-19 pandemic, Archives of
Disease in Childhood, Jul. 2, 2020,
244 The Economist, The pandemic has eroded democracy and respect for human rights, Oct. 17, 2020,
245 Rajesh Roy, India Tries to Stem Migrant Worker Exodus Amid Coronavirus Lockdown, Wall St. J., Mar. 29,
246 Reuters, Miles-long lines for food in South Africa, YouTube, Apr. 30, 2020,
247 Will Brown, Investigation: African migrants ‗left to die‘ in Saudi Arabia‘s hellish Covid detention centres, Daily
Telegraph, Aug. 30, 2020,
248 Fiona Harvey, Coronavirus pandemic ‗will cause famine of biblical proportions‘, Guardian, Apr. 21, 2020,
249 UNICEF, COVID pushes millions more children deeper into poverty, new study finds, UN News, Sep. 17, 2020,
250 John P A Ioannidis, Infection fatality rate of COVID-19 inferred from seroprevalence data, Bulletin of the World
Health Organization, Oct. 14, 2020,
251 CNBC, WHO says 10% of global population may have been infected with virus, Oct. 5, 2020,
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According to the International Monetary Fund, the economy of just one G20 country grew
during 2020: China.252
That lockdown supporters may not want to acknowledge these facts does not make them any less
real. The suffering caused by these policies cannot be undone, but it can at least be prevented
going forward, and justice can be obtained if these policies were imposed in bad faith.
Under the United Nations‘ Covenant on Civil and Political rights, it is incumbent on any
government imposing disease control measures to utilize the ―least restrictive means‖ available
to effectively achieve the public health goal.253
With the examples of Sweden, Florida, South
Dakota, Belarus, and others successfully deploying means far less restrictive than China‘s
lockdowns to manage COVID-19—without incurring any excess mortality or results worse than
lockdown areas—it is difficult to understand how any world leader can continue to impose these
measures in good faith.
In the 20th century, the term totalitarian was born to describe certain regimes that used modern
technology to control every aspect of citizens‘ lives, binding them to the state by breaking all
pre-existing social bonds. One such regime was the Soviet Union, and there is a growing expert
consensus that China today is likewise totalitarian.254
Totalitarian regimes utilize any and all
means in the pathological monopolization of power. Though they deliver an exceptionally low
quality of life to their citizens, totalitarian states are advanced political organisms, punching
above their weight in geopolitics with their unparalleled ability to keep secrets and execute
complex operations—the archetypal example being the clandestine rearmament of Germany in
the 1930s. In the wilds of geopolitics, the lion underestimates the snake at its own peril, and
with lockdowns, the CCP appears to have delivered the world a hefty dose of snake oil.
Both intelligence agencies and scientists may be forgiven for overlooking the CCP‘s lockdown
fraud. The scientific concepts involved are complex enough to elude defense officials,255 while

252 International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook, October 2020: A Long and Difficult Ascent, Oct. 2020,
253 International Commission of Jurists, Siracusa Principles on the Limitation and Derogation Provisions in the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Jul 1, 1984,
254 Francis Fukuyama, What Kind of Regime Does China Have?, The American Interest, May 18, 2020,; Robert C. O‘Brien, The
Chinese Communist Party‘s Ideology and Global Ambitions, White House National Security Council, Jun. 26, 2020,
255 Adam Schiff, The U.S. Intelligence Community Is Not Prepared for the China Threat, Foreign Affairs, Sep. 30,
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the geopolitical implications of China‘s turn toward totalitarianism are certainly convoluted
enough to have deceived scientists.
Throughout 2020, lockdown measures have been quite popular, but that popularity is deceptive.
For the general public, the idea that anyone might accept some outside incentive to support such
devastating policies while knowing them to be ineffective—needlessly bankrupting millions of
families and depriving millions of children of education and food—is, quite simply, too dark.
Thus, the public supports lockdowns because the alternative—that they might have been
implemented without good cause—is a possibility too evil for most to contemplate. But those
who know history know that others with superficially excellent credentials have done even worse
for even less.
Furthermore, most of the public believes that if there were anything untoward about the science
behind lockdowns, intelligence agencies would stop them. For obvious reasons, those who work
at intelligence agencies do not have the luxury of such complacency. Given the gravity of the
decisions being made, we cannot ignore the possibility that the entire ―science‖ of COVID-19
lockdowns has been a fraud of unprecedented proportion, deliberately promulgated by the
Chinese Communist Party and its collaborators to impoverish the nations who implemented it.
This letter is to be construed only as a recommendation that the above matters be investigated by
law-enforcement authorities as a matter of national security. This is not a formal criminal
complaint, nor are these facts necessarily indicative that any crime may have been committed by
any individual named herein, a determination that can be made only by appropriate legal
(Signatures appear on the following page)
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Respectfully submitted this 10th day of January, 2021, by:
Michael P. Senger, Attorney
Stacey A. Rudin, Attorney
Dr. Clare Craig FRCPath, Consultant Diagnostic Pathologist
Robert Spalding, retired U.S. Air Force Brigadier General
Randy Hillier, MPP Lanark, Frontenac & Kingston
Francis Hoar, Barrister at Law
Sanjeev Sabhlok, PhD, former Commissioner in an Indian State Government
Brian O‘Shea, Chief Operating Officer, Centurion Intelligence Partners
Maajid Nawaz, Activist, Author & Broadcaster
Simon Dolan, Business Leader & Entrepreneur