Net Zero Council Terror Agenda








 Context: Council Tax issue 

  1. The legal duties of the Authority and Director for Public Health DPH, as a Chief Statutory Officer of their local authority, a status defined by section 2(6)(zb) of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, inserted by Schedule 5 of the Health and Social Care Act: An influential system leader with oversight and expertise across all determinants of health within local authorities, working across organisational boundaries to influence system-wide change and to secure the health of improving the health of their population in accordance with the NHS Act (2006), which includes the NHS Constitution and the Health and Social Care Act 2012. These duties may allow for local discretion, unlike the legal provisions which state a DPH has to write an annual report on the health of the local population DPH (2020).

  1. The Law of Omissions applies to those situations where someone has failed or not acted in circumstances where there is some societal expectation placed upon that particular individual to act. The decision taken by the individual not to act in a relevant context is deemed to be an appropriate subject for the law to consider.

  1. Any Public Servant that is in an elected position, who knowingly breaches, fails or infringes on their sworn ‘Oath’, or Surety Bond, is subject to significant detriment if they fail to do the right thing (Ad Rectum). Such a failure to act regarding the contents of the following statement and refusal to produce or omit records is not only seen as serious omission according to the High Courts, but a blatant breach of Human Rights under 6 of the European Convention: Dunbar, James : Robertson: (2012): Criminal Liability for Omissions.

  1. I (insert name and full address), do hereby submit the following statement of fact, that confirm that the Council, (insert defendants name), the Defendant, has breached their Oath and Legal Obligation to the people. Their support of the Political NET ZERO globalist terror agenda has resulted in serious failures in securing and improving the health of the population.

  1. The DPH, and local authority, had been responsible for the betterment of public health in their area and are constructively with malice aforethought driving a NET ZERO agenda to cause discrimination, economic hardship, assault, bodily harm and death. The authority has failed to warn the general public in their area of the recent all-cause mortality data, confirmed and reported by the UK’s Office for National statistics (ONS), confirming a public health emergency. I believe this was a premeditated action by the local authority for the purpose of avoiding any accountability or suspicion by the public, as to what could be the actual cause

  1. The local authority has engaged in a propaganda exercise promoting exaggerated, falsified data to terrorize an ignorant unsuspecting population. Data, originated by discredited fanatical pseudo scientists, using discredited computer modelling, to subdue and terrorize, causing alarm and distress across the general population, leaving many in the community suffering post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other psychological injury, in an attempt to discriminate, coerce and blackmail a population to participate in the largest geo-technological experiment in all history, namely the injecting of a bio-chemical Nano weapons tracking technology, that can purposely be used for target acquisition using the 5G directional weapon system to exterminate the population.


  1. The Defendant the competent authority has a duty to remedy this public health emergency reflecting that its actions and omissions have led to an 18.6% increase in all-cause mortality. Even assuming that the rate would remain at 18.6%, though the signs are that it is expected to increase, 87,360 additional men, women and children will be dead by the end of this year if no immediate action is taken to investigate and both alert the public as well as identify potential solutions and guidance to remedy their actions in regard the Political NET ZERO terroristic depopulation plan.

  1. The Terrorism Act 2000 defines terrorism, both in and outside of the UK, as the use or threat of one or more of the actions listed below, and where they are designed to influence the government, or an international governmental organisation or to intimidate the public. The use or threat must also be for the purpose of advancing a political, religious, racial or ideological cause.

The specific actions included are:

(a) serious violence against a person;

(b) serious damage to property;

(c) endangering a person’s life (other than that of the person committing the action);

(d) creating a serious risk to the health or safety of the public or a section of the public; and action designed to seriously interfere with or seriously to disrupt an electronic system

17. Funding arrangements.

A person commits an offence if –

(a) he enters into or becomes concerned in an arrangement as a result of which money or other property is made available or is to be made available to another, and

(b) he knows or has reasonable cause to suspect that it will or may be used for the purposes of terrorism.

  1. The Defendant has encouraged and facilitated the siting of numerous, uninsurable for harm 5G fifth Generation direct energy weapon technology terrorising the population, including biologically toxic light emitting diodes (LED) antennas, installed on public and private property across their area, in breach of the COE 1815 Resolution and the European 2016 guidelines. The vast body of defence, Government independent non-telecoms funded scientific studies show that there are serious life threatening detrimental biological effects causing infertility, ecocide and genocide from these known radiation environmental pollutants and weapon systems


  1. The Defendant goes on to discriminate against those whose lives would be put at risk if they do not participate in driving toxic electric vehicles, while developing SMART transport infrastructure knowingly that it would cause, another harm upon the person, to facilitate the discrimination, even though electromagnetic fields have been confirmed as causing sterilization Ref EU STOA July 2021.

  1. The Council has participated and facilitated the largest ever experiment on the population. There are thousands of scientific published peer reviewed and accepted papers now confirming how unsafe and ineffective the COVID 19 vaccines are while the Defendant promoted its experimental use on the population, while scientifically deduced data showing devastating detrimental health implications including immune system collapse and vaccine induced AIDS.

  1. The Council has failed in its duty to protect the population from the environmental polluting bio chemical aerosol spraying, part of their Climate change NET ZERO agenda and agreed at the Paris climate agreement COP 21 as part of the weather modification tool to convince an ignorant population on temperature increases created by growing infrastructure of manmade ionospheric radiators, 5G microwave radiation emissions and weather manipulation tools and control methods.

  1. This communication should not be seen as anything other than a preamble to an extensive bundle of published peer reviewed science, defence intelligence documents confirming the planned cull of the population to facilitate NET ZERO and the increases in all-cause mortality as a direct consequence of the defendant’s acts and omissions in their role as local authority, while they allow the siting of lethal technologies including 5G direct energy weapons, without any environmental impact assessment in breach of the recent High Court Queens Bench division Planning Court ruling CO/3114/2021 or their duty under the Social Care Act 2012 to protect the population from the ubiquitous increasing levels of radiation from SMART city 5G to include light emitting diodes, LED antennas, facial and vehicle radar radiation emissions

  1. Due to the content of this letter, I will give you a small window from the date of service to remedy. I am not a criminal who funds Globalist terrorism and will therefore be unable to fund the Council’s now recognised World Economic Forum NET ZERO agenda that is destroying our democracy, laws, while attempting to exterminate the population.

Yours sincerely



cc.  Clerk to the Council – who is obliged to distribute to all councillors