Vaccinated Victim Criminal Complaint To Police

Questions and points of law to assist your local Police Force in the decision to take action against those who have conspired and coerced the victim into taking one of the COVID 19 (Vaccines) which we now know to be an experimental technological medical procedure, that neither stops the transmission or contraction of the COVID 19 pathogen and in point of fact makes the contraction and hospitalization due to the pathogen significantly higher and worse for the victim. The victim, if this was the case, was never made aware at the time of injection that this agenda was politically driven and a demonstrable, conspiracy and fraud, to cause an assault and mass murder.

Several Police forces across the United Kingdom are now investigating the fraud and misconduct of those in authority who have deceived the victims and country. Main crime Number 6029679/21 – the following is an aid that covers the main points of the crimes committed on many of the victims, some may not apply specifically to a victim in the reporting of these crimes to the Police, therefore this document needs to be read by the victim or family member who can provide the evidence to the Police of these crimes, with supporting evidence, including date and time of injection, location as well as evidence of coercion NHS leaflets, media propaganda, that created the threat of death from not receiving the injection etc., etc.  

  1. Fraud

(1)A person is guilty of fraud if he is in breach of any of the sections listed in subsection (2) (which provide for different ways of committing the offence).

(2)The sections are—

(A) section 2 (fraud by false representation),

(b) section 3 (fraud by failing to disclose information), and

(c) section 4 (fraud by abuse of position).

The victim, if this is the case, did not give informed consent as they had not been informed until now, which is fraud, of the following:-

  1. This was an ongoing medical experiment.
  2. The significant risks to their short term, long term health, to the detriment of their natural immune system and financial detriment through lost work due to sickness.
  3. The coercion was in breach of the Council of Europe resolution 2361(2021). 7.3.1. ensure that  citizens  are  informed  that  the  vaccination  is  NOT  mandatory  and  that  no one  is  politically,  socially,  or  otherwise  pressured  to  get  themselves  vaccinated,  if  they  do  not wish to do so themselves;
  4. The victim was terrorized through the use of falsified fraudulent data using hysterical predictions of mass death to cause, fear alarm and distress that coerced the victim into participating in this experiment, that they had no knowledge of at the time for political reasons – threats of action including financial loss in breach of the terrorism act 2000.


  1. The offence of conspiracy.

(1) Subject to the following provisions of this Part of this Act, if a person agrees with any other person or persons that a course of conduct shall be pursued which, if the agreement is carried out in accordance with their intentions, either—

(a)will necessarily amount to or involve the commission of any offence or offences by one or more of the parties to the agreement, or

(b) would do so but for the existence of facts which render the commission of the offence or any of the offences impossible,

  1. Terrorism

(1)In this Act “terrorism” means the use or threat of action where—

(a) the action falls within subsection (2),

(b) the use or threat is designed to influence or to intimidate the public or a section of the public, and

(c)the use or threat is made for the purpose of advancing a political, religious [F2, racial] or ideological cause.

(2)Action falls within this subsection if it—

(a)involves serious violence against a person,


(b) involves serious damage to property,


(c) endangers a person’s life, other than that of the person committing the action,


(d) creates a serious risk to the health or safety of the public or a section of the public, or


(e) is designed seriously to interfere with or seriously to disrupt an electronic system.

The Governments own MHRA reporting system shows millions now injured and thousand dead and dying from this experimental COVID 19 vaccination technology including auto immune system defects

  1. The victim was continually informed by those in authority that the COVID 19 vaccines are safe and effective. The fact of the matter is they are Viral Vector bio chemical weapons, originated through experimentation at a Chinese weapons laboratory in WUHAN and are lethal, thousands of irrefutable scientific published peer reviewed studies confirm this and are part of the criminal investigation evidential bundle


  1. This was and continues to be a demonstrable deception and conspiracy on behalf of actors in Government and the media, as the MHRA had predicted and expected large adverse reactions and death from the COVID 19 shot well before the deployment.


  1. The term deployment used in Government literature is a term used specifically in regard to weapons issue and allocation, thus confirming the identity of COVID 19 shot as a weapon.


  1. The victim was terrorised, coerced and told that they could not visit family and friends or go on holiday if they did not comply and get the COVID 19 shot.


  1. The victim has also suffered threats of loss of earnings and was literally blackmailed into participating into this experiment.


  1. Since receiving the shot the victim has suffered a number of adverse reactions. And has now confirmed that some type of electrical device has been injected into their body. The COVID 19 vaccine victim has had sight of the Patents which confirm the capability of the so-called vaccine to connect to electric devices and the magnetic field now emanating from the victim’s body and injection site.


  1. The financial impacts of participating in this medical experiment can make all insurance claims for harm and loss null and void. This information was not given to victim and therefore the victim was not fully informed of the detrimental health or financial risks.

Evidence of the COVID 19 substance administered being toxic and noxious are reasonable grounds to infer that fraud has been committed. Further evidence from (PHS) Public Health Scotland shows the COVID 19 vaccinated are filling hospitals and dying in numbers significantly higher than the unvaccinated per 100,000 confirming how criminally reckless the mandates and threats are which are not reasonable and the threat of financial loss unwarranted. Earlier Animal experimentation using MRNA technology vaccines proved a near 100% death to the animals in the experiments confirming their lethality and purpose as a weapon.


(1)A person is guilty of blackmail if, with a view to gain for himself or another or with intent to cause loss to another, he makes any unwarranted demand with menaces; and for this purpose a demand with menaces is unwarranted unless the person making it does so in the belief—

(a)that he has reasonable grounds for making the demand; and

(b)that the use of the menaces is a proper means of reinforcing the demand.

(2)The nature of the act or omission demanded is immaterial, and it is also immaterial whether the menaces relate to action to be taken by the person making the demand.

Had most people been made fully aware of the risks of harm from MRNA vaccinations, or of the safe and effective alternative treatments and the real risk of harm, it is fair to assume that the majority of victims would not have consented to being injected with the experiment. Consent gained by deception therefore is null and void and is an act of fraud (even when only attempted unsuccessfully). Lack of consent implies, at least, common assault (a victim does not have to be aware or cognisant of having been assaulted for an offence to have occurred).

As an administrator of experimental medicines, which are, by definition, life changing (for better or worse) – due diligence must also be a prerequisite of anybody administering vaccines in GP surgeries, vaccine centres or other locations. Lack of due diligence is no defence. There is very little doubt then, that fraud has been committed in gaining consent from a large number of those who have willingly, but unwittingly, received the alleged Covid 19 vaccination;

Section 6&7: Possessing, making or supplying articles for use in fraud has and is still widespread.


In order to prove injury under SECTION 20 it would be necessary to provide evidence of a victim who has been injured. Assault under SECTIONS 42, 43 & 47, however, is evident in the actions of vaccine administrators. Common assault relies on lack of consent, which is surely applicable if the consent itself is gained by fraud. It also relies upon the reckless application of unlawful force, but whilst the force used has not been physical, force has been coercive (and even blackmail as used in places of employment), with a great deal of psychological pressure having been inflicted by sustaining a high fear level through the use of Covid restrictions across communities, advertising propaganda, implications made or even explicit advice given (with no evidence).

Time and evidence have proven that these methods and protocols have been purely arbitrary for the purpose of nothing other than to apply unlawful psychological force. Due diligence by those responsible would have made them aware of this.

SECTION 23, Administering poison or noxious thing as to endanger life or inflict GBH. A poison or noxious thing can so define the alleged Covid 19 Vaccines that have more than proven to be toxic and noxious.

The irrefutable evidence now is that the In Silica model obtained by the pharmaceutical companies to develop the COVID 19 Vaccine and its deployment was facilitated and organised by the Chinese military as a bio chemical weapon to attack the populations across the West.

Chemical Weapons Act 1996

2 Use etc. of chemical weapons.

  • No person shall—

(a) use a chemical weapon;

(b) develop or produce a chemical weapon;

(c) have a chemical weapon in his possession;

(d) participate in the transfer of a chemical weapon;

(e) engage in military preparations, or in preparations of a military nature, intending to use a chemical weapon.


SECTION 2 of the Criminal Justice Act (1998).

Whereby Misconduct in a Public office, Misfeasance in a Public office and Perverting or Obstructing the Course of Justice could be amongst the other offences that an officer would be committing by not investigating these crimes

The most important question for our local police forces is how do they intend to deal with this issue, should we be compelled to act due to their own failure to do so? Will they stand in contravention of these laws? Or will they carry out their lawful duty?

Record and document as much contact as possible with the Police by taking names and badge numbers of the Police officers involved in the investigation.